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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Wardriving for Zigbee

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
with kind thanks to @fbz, @skytee, and their Hacker Hostel.

While I don't do much on-site work these days, it's always fun to pull out a packet sniffer for a weird protocol and show a client how much cleartext is bouncing around his facility. It's even more fun in the vendor room of a conference. Toward that end, I made a Microsoft Keyboard Sniffer in September that forwards keyboard traffic to my Nokia N900. (By the by, Microsoft still refuses to issue an advisory for that bug.)

A few months and a new phone later, I found myself doing the same thing for ZigBee/802.15.4. The result, presented in this article, is a complete wardriving solution for my Nokia N9, allowing for efficient mapping of ZigBee usage when walking or driving. This lets me to map networks similar to the irrigation and city bus networks that KF identified, but for any of the cities that I pass through.
Zigbee Wardriving


Just as I last used the Next Hope Badge for its nRF24L01+ radio to sniff Microsoft's keyboard traffic, the new device uses a MoteIV TMote Sky, better known in some circles as a TelosB. These flooded every university campus four years ago, and you can probably pick a few up for a cup of coffee with a neighborly professor.
Pocket ZigBee Sniffer

The TelosB has a 10-pin expansion port exposing UART0's RX and TX pins, as well as AVCC and GND. Running these lines to the Roving Networks RN42 module provides an RFCOMM connection at 115,200 baud, coincidentally the same default rate used by the GoodFET firmware. Be sure to swap RX and TX for a proper connection.

Finally, a LiPO battery and charging circuit were soldered in to replace the AA batteries of the original TelosB. This allows for quick recharges and several days of battery life.

In use, I either leave the box in my jacket or put in on the dashboard of a car. The Lego Duplo case keeps all components together, and the SMA jack allows for an antenna external to the car. (Not that I ever stay in one city long enough to buy a car, but surely one of my neighbors has a convenient external 2.4GHz antenna for me to wire into.)
Zigbee Wardriving


The GoodFET firmware natively supports the TelosB, as described here. Firmware is normally compiled by running "board=telosb make clean install", but a second board definition exists to use the external serial port instead of the internal one. So set board=telosb for local use and board=telosbbt for use over Bluetooth. Luckily both the TelosB and the RN42 module default to 115,200 baud.

This image exposes both the TelosB's CC2420 radio and its SPI Flash chip to the host. The host also has the authority to load and execute code in the device, so a standalone mode that writes recorded packets to the SPI Flash is a distinct possibility.

Standard Client

The standard GoodFET client works as expected, once py-bluez is manually installed and Nokia's DRM infrastructure, Aegis, has been disabled. To use a Bluetooth device instead of a serial port, just set the GOODFET environment variable to the appropriate MAC address.
GoodFET on the N9

Custom Client

The standard GoodFET client is written in Python, in a style where most of the guts are exposed for tinkering. This is great for doing original research on a workstation, but it's terrible when trying to show off a gizmo in a bar or at a client site. For this reason, I hacked together a quick client in QT Quick using my reverse engineered SPOT Connect client as a starting point.

The interface is composed of a Bluetooth selection dialog, a packet sniffer, and a packet beaconing script that repeatedly broadcasts a sample Packet-in-Packet Injection.
N9 ZigBee Sniffing (cropped)
GoodFET for Meego

A log is kept in the N9's internal storage, so that any captured packet can be fetched later. The log is append-only, with a record of every received packet and timestamps from each start of the application. Additionally, GPS positions are dumped for positioning.


The position log is then translated by a script into the Keyhole Markup Language or any other GIS format for plotting.
Wardriving for Zigbee

KML is simple enough to compose, with the one oddity that longitude comes before latitude. Use the <Placemark> and <Point> tags to mark packets. For small data sets, I've had luck using <LineString> to mark my path, but after touring much of North America, I exceeded Google Maps hundred-thousand line limit.
KML Point

Post processing is frequently needed to smooth out a few erroneous GPS positions. I've collected GPS locks up to twenty kilometers from my real position when indoors and, in one instance, my phone believed itself to be in Singapore while I was actually in the USA. Be sure to check for these when making your own maps.


Now that I have a lightweight system for grabbing Zigbee packets in the wild, I'd like to expand my collection system to vendor proprietary protocols such as TI's SimpliciTI, the Turning Point Clicker, and other protocols that the GoodFET stack supports. I could also use it to map neighbors with the CCC's r0ket badge and similar OpenBeacon transmitters as they stray from the conference venue.

Other protocols, however, are a lot harder to wardrive. While my Microsoft keyboard sniffer can sniff traffic to the phone, it requires a learning phase that is too long to be performed while travelling in a car. This is because the keyboard protocol, unlike Zigbee and more like Bluetooth, has a Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD/Sync) that is unique to each keyboard/dongle pair, requiring special techniques for any promiscuous sniffing. The original Keykeriki exploit by Thorsten Schröder and Max Moser might identify keyboards quickly enough to be performed on the road, or there might be some new trick that will make it possible. For now, though, you'll need to know where the keyboard you'd like to attack is before you can start sniffing it.

While I'll stubbornly stick to Meego for the foreseeable future, an Android client should pop up sooner or later. Also, Mike Kershaw seems to be toying around with full-custom hardware for the job that'll be compatible with the GoodFET firmware. You can find the code for my client in /contrib/meegoodfet of the GoodFET repository.

As a final note, Zigbee traffic can be found just west of 40th Street in West Philadelphia, at Union Station in DC, in the Fort Sanders neighborhood of Knoxville, and at South Station's food court in Boston. In Louisville, Kentucky, search near the intersection of Lexington Road and Grinstead Drive. In Manhattan, try Seventh Avenue just south of Penn Station.

Have fun,

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

GoodFET on the TelosB, TMote Sky

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
with kind thanks to Sergey Bratus, Ryan Speers, and Ricky Melgares,
for contributions of code, conversation, and general neighborliness.

Telos B

As I was recently reminded that the Crossbow Telos B and Sentilla TMote Sky devices litter most universities, left over from wireless sensor network research, it seemed like a perfect target. As such, I'm happy to announce that the GoodFET firmware now fully supports the Telos B and TMote, and also that support for the Zolertia Z1 mote will be coming soon. KillerBee integration should come in the next few weeks, but there's plenty of fun to be had in the meantime.

This brief tutorial will walk you through cross-compiling the GoodFET firmware for the Telos B or TMote Sky, as well as simple packet sniffing and injection. As the GoodFET project is always being refactored in one way or another, you can expect a bit of this to change.

Compiling the Firmware

A port of the GoodFET firmware is defined by three things. First, the $platform environment variable defines the header file from which port definitions come. Most platforms just use platforms/goodfet.h, which is loaded when $platform is undefined or set to 'goodfet'. Some devices, such as the two varieties of the Next Hope Badge and the Telos B, use ports which are not the same as the standard GoodFET's layout. In particular, it's rather common for the Slave-Select (!SS) line to be unique to the hardware layout of a particular board. Setting $platform to 'telosb' takes care of this.

Additionally, the Telos B uses the MSP430F1611 chip, so $mcu must be set to 'msp430x1611'. (That's with an 'x', as the linker doesn't care whether the chip is in the F, G, or C variants.)

Finally, a normal GoodFET includes a lot of modules for things like JTAG and similar protocols that the Telos B does not include wiring for. Although leaving them in doesn't hurt, it does make the firmware larger, which is annoying when repeatedly recompiling and reflashing during firmware development. To restrict support to just the monitor, the SPI Flash chip, and the Chipcon SPI radio, it is handy to set $config to 'monitor spi ccspi'.

export platform=telosb
export mcu=msp430x1611
export config='monitor ccspi spi'
make clean install

Accessing the SPI Flash

The Telos B is reset in a manner very different from the GoodFET, courtesy of a bit-banged I2C controller. Someday we'll figure out how to auto-detect this, but until then you will need to have $platform set to 'telosb' just as you did when compiling.

The Telos B contains a Numonyx M25P80 SPI Flash chip, which is compatible with the goodfet.spiflash client. Unfortunately, most units use a variety of this chip that does not respond to a request for its model number. (According to the datasheet, this feature is only available in the 110nm version. Datasheets have a way of phrasing bugs as if they were just optional features.) On those lucky units with a properly behaving chip, run 'goodfet.spiflash info' to get its capacity and model number. Upgrading to a larger chip or replacing the SMD unit with a socketed one will cause no problems, as the client will automatically adapt.

GoodFET for the Telos B

You may also use the standard peek, erase, dump, and flash verbs to access the contents of the chip. When the chip refuses to identify itself, the GoodFET will default to a size of 8Mb, so explicit ranges needed be given for things like 'goodfet.spiflash dump telosb_m25p80.bin'.

As the M25P80 chip is not access-controlled in any way, it's a handy way to grab old data from a node. On some academically-sourced devices, you might find leftover data or code from LogStorage or Deluge. On commercial devices, these chips sometimes keep hold more interesting things.

Sniffing ZigBee, 802.15.4

While the Flash chip is a neat little toy and handy for forensics, most users of the Telos B port will be interested in the CC2420 radio. As a final collaboration between Ember and Chipcon, the '2420 was one of the first popular 802.15.4 chips, and it is still quite handy for reversing and exploit ZigBee devices. Just as before, you must set $platform to be 'telosb' or the client will not connect.

To sniff raw 802.15.4 packets on channel 11, just call 'goodfet.ccspi sniff 11'. This enables promiscuous mode, so you will see traffic from all PANs and to all MACs in the region. If you are only interested in broadcast traffic, use 'goodfet.ccspi bsniff 11' instead.
goodfet.ccspi sniff 11

As much fun as it is to sit with the 802.15.4 and ZigBee protocol documentation to figure out what a packet means the first time, white-washing this particular fence quickly becomes boring. For that reason, Ryan Speers and Ricky Melgares at Dartmouth tossed together a Scapy module for dissecting these sorts of packets. It's in the scappy-com Mercurial repository, so check it out with "hg clone http://hg.secdev.org/scapy-com" then run "sudo python setup.py install" after the prerequisite packages have been installed.

Once the community build of Scapy has been installed, you can run 'goodfet.ccspi sniffdissect 11' to print the Scapy dissections of various packets. As this code is less than a week old, there are a few kinks to work out, so ignore the warning messages that pop up at the beginning of the log. (Scapy likes to initialize the operating system's networking stack even though we're using a GoodFET instead. This is infuriating on OpenBSD, but merely an annoyance on OS X and Linux.)

802.15.4 Scapy

If you have no other 15.4 equipment to play with, you can do a transmission test with 'goodfet.ccspi txtest 11'. In the following section, I'll show you to how to send and receive packets in a Python script, which is useful for talking to the myriad of wireless sensors that have less than serious security.

Scripting the CC2420

The GoodFET project is built as a number of client scripts which are written in spaghetti code, features from which are slowly moved out of spaghetti and into classes. That is to say, the heavy lifting should be in GoodFETCCSPI.py, while short and sweet client scripts will be found in goodfet.ccspi. As an example, this section will cover the functioning of 'goodfet.ccspi txtoscount' which implements the radio protocol spoken by the TinyOS RadioCountToLeds application.

Rather than go into too much detail, I'll just point out the lines that are most instructive. Just like sing-along cartoons, this only works if you read the code, so please open up your favorite editor and follow along. While you're at it, use 'svn blame' to figure out which new GoodFET developer wrote that routine. If too much time has passed, you'll also need to back up to the revision that was current when I wrote this review. Then jump back a few more revisions to figure out which bugs of mine had to be fixed before his code worked. Isn't revision control nifty?

By default, the CC2420 only receives packets addressed to the local PAN and MAC as well as those sent to the broadcast address. In order to receive promiscuously, allowing the client to automatically identify any devices on the channel, it is necessary to enable promiscuous mode with 'client.RF_promiscuity(1)'. You might also want to tune away from the default channel with 'client.RF_setchan()'.

Also, as checksums must be correct in any outbound traffic, it is necessary to enable the AUTOCRC mode with 'client.RF_autocrc(1)'. This appends a checksum to every outbound packet, and it also rejects any inbound packets with invalid checksums, which is helpful to reduce noise but would sometimes accidentally rejects packets from non-compliant devices during sniffing. (TinyOS always uses the AUTOCRC feature, so it isn't an issue in this particular application.)

Packet reception, as is standard among the radio modules, is performed by 'client.RF_rxpacket()'. This method returns None if no packet has been received, so a synchronous application ought to spin in a loop until something else is returned.

Finally, the routine needs to broadcast its own reply, either from a stock template or from the sniffed packet. This is accomplished by passing an array of bytes to 'client.RF_txpacket(packet)'.

That's really all there is to it.


The GoodFET is primarily a tool for reverse engineering, and integration with other tools is a priority. KillerBee and Kismet plugins are already in development, and clients for all sorts of 802.15.4 devices will be written as hardware becomes available. Support for the CC2420's AES engine will also be added, so that encrypted packets can be sniffed once keys are sniffed from the air or by syringe with a bus analyzer.

That's all folks. Grab a Telos B or TMote and start poking at devices. Good targets might include Z-Wave door locks and ZigBee thermostats.

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