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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Wardriving for Zigbee

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
with kind thanks to @fbz, @skytee, and their Hacker Hostel.

While I don't do much on-site work these days, it's always fun to pull out a packet sniffer for a weird protocol and show a client how much cleartext is bouncing around his facility. It's even more fun in the vendor room of a conference. Toward that end, I made a Microsoft Keyboard Sniffer in September that forwards keyboard traffic to my Nokia N900. (By the by, Microsoft still refuses to issue an advisory for that bug.)

A few months and a new phone later, I found myself doing the same thing for ZigBee/802.15.4. The result, presented in this article, is a complete wardriving solution for my Nokia N9, allowing for efficient mapping of ZigBee usage when walking or driving. This lets me to map networks similar to the irrigation and city bus networks that KF identified, but for any of the cities that I pass through.
Zigbee Wardriving


Just as I last used the Next Hope Badge for its nRF24L01+ radio to sniff Microsoft's keyboard traffic, the new device uses a MoteIV TMote Sky, better known in some circles as a TelosB. These flooded every university campus four years ago, and you can probably pick a few up for a cup of coffee with a neighborly professor.
Pocket ZigBee Sniffer

The TelosB has a 10-pin expansion port exposing UART0's RX and TX pins, as well as AVCC and GND. Running these lines to the Roving Networks RN42 module provides an RFCOMM connection at 115,200 baud, coincidentally the same default rate used by the GoodFET firmware. Be sure to swap RX and TX for a proper connection.

Finally, a LiPO battery and charging circuit were soldered in to replace the AA batteries of the original TelosB. This allows for quick recharges and several days of battery life.

In use, I either leave the box in my jacket or put in on the dashboard of a car. The Lego Duplo case keeps all components together, and the SMA jack allows for an antenna external to the car. (Not that I ever stay in one city long enough to buy a car, but surely one of my neighbors has a convenient external 2.4GHz antenna for me to wire into.)
Zigbee Wardriving


The GoodFET firmware natively supports the TelosB, as described here. Firmware is normally compiled by running "board=telosb make clean install", but a second board definition exists to use the external serial port instead of the internal one. So set board=telosb for local use and board=telosbbt for use over Bluetooth. Luckily both the TelosB and the RN42 module default to 115,200 baud.

This image exposes both the TelosB's CC2420 radio and its SPI Flash chip to the host. The host also has the authority to load and execute code in the device, so a standalone mode that writes recorded packets to the SPI Flash is a distinct possibility.

Standard Client

The standard GoodFET client works as expected, once py-bluez is manually installed and Nokia's DRM infrastructure, Aegis, has been disabled. To use a Bluetooth device instead of a serial port, just set the GOODFET environment variable to the appropriate MAC address.
GoodFET on the N9

Custom Client

The standard GoodFET client is written in Python, in a style where most of the guts are exposed for tinkering. This is great for doing original research on a workstation, but it's terrible when trying to show off a gizmo in a bar or at a client site. For this reason, I hacked together a quick client in QT Quick using my reverse engineered SPOT Connect client as a starting point.

The interface is composed of a Bluetooth selection dialog, a packet sniffer, and a packet beaconing script that repeatedly broadcasts a sample Packet-in-Packet Injection.
N9 ZigBee Sniffing (cropped)
GoodFET for Meego

A log is kept in the N9's internal storage, so that any captured packet can be fetched later. The log is append-only, with a record of every received packet and timestamps from each start of the application. Additionally, GPS positions are dumped for positioning.


The position log is then translated by a script into the Keyhole Markup Language or any other GIS format for plotting.
Wardriving for Zigbee

KML is simple enough to compose, with the one oddity that longitude comes before latitude. Use the <Placemark> and <Point> tags to mark packets. For small data sets, I've had luck using <LineString> to mark my path, but after touring much of North America, I exceeded Google Maps hundred-thousand line limit.
KML Point

Post processing is frequently needed to smooth out a few erroneous GPS positions. I've collected GPS locks up to twenty kilometers from my real position when indoors and, in one instance, my phone believed itself to be in Singapore while I was actually in the USA. Be sure to check for these when making your own maps.


Now that I have a lightweight system for grabbing Zigbee packets in the wild, I'd like to expand my collection system to vendor proprietary protocols such as TI's SimpliciTI, the Turning Point Clicker, and other protocols that the GoodFET stack supports. I could also use it to map neighbors with the CCC's r0ket badge and similar OpenBeacon transmitters as they stray from the conference venue.

Other protocols, however, are a lot harder to wardrive. While my Microsoft keyboard sniffer can sniff traffic to the phone, it requires a learning phase that is too long to be performed while travelling in a car. This is because the keyboard protocol, unlike Zigbee and more like Bluetooth, has a Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD/Sync) that is unique to each keyboard/dongle pair, requiring special techniques for any promiscuous sniffing. The original Keykeriki exploit by Thorsten Schröder and Max Moser might identify keyboards quickly enough to be performed on the road, or there might be some new trick that will make it possible. For now, though, you'll need to know where the keyboard you'd like to attack is before you can start sniffing it.

While I'll stubbornly stick to Meego for the foreseeable future, an Android client should pop up sooner or later. Also, Mike Kershaw seems to be toying around with full-custom hardware for the job that'll be compatible with the GoodFET firmware. You can find the code for my client in /contrib/meegoodfet of the GoodFET repository.

As a final note, Zigbee traffic can be found just west of 40th Street in West Philadelphia, at Union Station in DC, in the Fort Sanders neighborhood of Knoxville, and at South Station's food court in Boston. In Louisville, Kentucky, search near the intersection of Lexington Road and Grinstead Drive. In Manhattan, try Seventh Avenue just south of Penn Station.

Have fun,

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Introduction to Bluetooth RFCOMM Reverse Engineering

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
with thanks to Alexei Karpenko

Spot Connect (cropped)

Reverse engineering a Bluetooth device is rather straightforward, but quite a few good neighbors don't know where to begin. This article demonstrates exactly how an Android client was reverse engineered in order to produce open source clients in Python and QT Mobility. I'm writing with the assumption that you are trying to reverse engineering your own device, which is similar but not identical to mine. As this is an introductory guide, I'll stay clear of any code reverse engineering, sticking only to network traffic.

The subject of this article is the Spot Connect, which transmits one-way text messages and GPS coordinates by L-band to the GlobalStar satellite constellation. These messages are then forwarded by email or SMS. Except in its emergency mode, the device is operated through Bluetooth by a smart phone. Thanks to Android's use of the Bluez bluetooth stack, it is rather easy to get the necessary traffic dumps.

Kind thanks are due to Alexei Karpenko (Natrium42) for his article on SPOT Reverse Engineering, which covers the original SPOT unit in excellent and thorough detail. It was his article that got me looking at the Spot Connect, and his description of the GPS format saved me quite a bit of travel for sample collection.

GlobalStar Beacon

Sniffing RFCOMM

The first step is to load the official client onto a rooted Android phone, in my case a Nexus S. I had to swap SIM cards as my Brazilian one put me in a region of the Android market that didn't have the application. Switching to a Swiss card fixed this, and a moment later the app was installing.

SPOT Connect

The Spot Connect uses RFCOMM, which is Bluetooth's alternative to a TCP socket or a UART. As it is easy to prototype and always delivers packets in order, RFCOMM has become the standard way of implementing custom protocols. To sniff the traffic before knowing the mode, we'll use hcidump running in a debugging shell of the phone. For this, run adb shell hcidump -X | tee spotlog.txt on your workstation, send a transmission, and watch the result in the log.

The message being sent stands out as ASCII, of course, so it's the first thing to look for. With no knowledge of the HCI protocol, you can still be sure that you have a cleartext recording.

HCIDump Screenshot

35 00 40 00 0b ef 63 aa 31 26 01 00 01 00 01 4d  5.@...c.1&.....M
72 2e 20 57 61 74 73 6f 6e 2c 20 63 6f 6d 65 20 r. Watson, come
68 65 72 65 2e 20 49 20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f 20 here. I want to
73 65 65 20 79 6f 75 2e 9a see you..

From Alexei's article, you can expect that frames inside of RFCOMM will begin with 0xAA, followed by a length, followed by a verb and the objects. These bytes will be wrapped in padding on the outbound end, and they'll be fragmented on the inbound end. Sure enough, these are the bytes that come before the word ``Watson'':
aa Preamble
31 Length
26 Verb
01 00 01 00 01 Flags (OK, Check In)
4d 72 2e 20 57 ASCII Message (abbreviated)

Counting 0x31 bytes out, notice that the packet ends exactly on a byte of the ASCII message, without a checksum! By looking for bytes of AA and searching for length, with allowances for packet fragmentation and the RFCOMM wrapper, it becomes possible to decode every command and its matching response.

Be aware that responses will be fragmented more than transmissions. If you need to reverse engineer longer transactions or have a more complete log, it will be handy to have a script to reassembly from the HCI frames. In those cases, toss together a proper HCI decoder to get a more accurate interpretation of the records.

Looking through the entire log, it the protocol appears to be as follows. First, the client queries the Device ID with verb 0x01, using the exact same format as Alexei's article. Then it uses verb 0x25 to query the last known position of the device, which will be returned in the style that Alexei reverse engineered from the original unit. Use pen and paper to decode these transactions from my Python client.
Location Query

First Implementation

With these recordings in hand, the complete language can now be described and implemented. Luckily, three verbs make for a quick implementation!

I use py-bluez for prototyping such implementations, as its rfcomm-client.py example is simple enough to get a working client in minutes. As py-bluez is specific to Linux, Mac users might prefer lightblue.

For simplicity, cut the UUID code or switch it to RFCOMM's UUID, which is 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB. For a list of all services on a device, run 'sdptool records $adr'. This only lists those which are publicly announced by SDP, the Service Discovery Protocol. To scan for unadvertised services, try BT Audit from Collin Mulliner.

0x01 -- Get ID
A minimal test client will just test the serial number of the device. To do this, simply send "\xAA\x03\x01" and then catch the reply with verb 0x01. Bytes 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the reply will contain the serial number in Big Endian notation. For this first implementation, commands and their responses may be handled synchronously for simplicity.

Where self.tx() takes a frame as its input and returns the response, this is implemented in Python as the following. What could be simpler?

0x25 -- Get Last Position
Similar in calling convention, the 0x25 verb requests the last known GPS position of the device. The coordinate format is exactly the same as in Alexei Karpenko's Spot Hacking article, consisting of three bytes apiece to describe latitude and longitude. The following is my C++ code for parsing the position data, which has already been requested as "\xAA\x03\x25".


0x26 -- Transmit Text
Transmitting text is just as easy, with the Spot Connect handling all the work after a message has been loaded. The following is Python code to transmit a short text message with the OK message-code. This lacks length checks and doesn't support the changing of flags, but it will work perfectly well for a test.


After the device receives this command, it will reply with an acknowledgment and then begin to attempt transmissions at irregular intervals. Each transmission consists of a number of fragments, such that the packet can be reassembled so long as one copy of each fragment makes it through. If you have a clear view of the sky and have configured the first destination to be your email address, you should receive a notification within a few minutes. If you don't receive a notification by the time the mailbox icon has ceased blinking, then the transmission failed.

Other Verbs
These three verbse--0x01, 0x25, and x026--are sufficient to implement a minimal client for the Spot Connect. If you'd care to help out, it would be useful to have more documentation for the flags of the 0x26 verb, as well as documentation for 0x52, 0x40, and 0x38. By scanning and listening for error codes, it should be possible to get a complete list of those verbs that are unused by the Android application.

You can find my Python client at https://github.com/travisgoodspeed/pyspot . It ought to run as-is on Linux with py-bluez, including the Nokia N900.

A Graphical Client

Now that the protocol has been sufficiently well documented to have a Python implementation, it is worthwhile to rewrite it as a GUI. In my case, I wanted a QT Mobility client for my Nokia N9. You can find my work in progress at https://github.com/travisgoodspeed/goodspot.

Pacific Ocean

Other Methods

If hcidump isn't available for your platform, you might try Sniffing with a USRP or reflashing a dongle to become a commercial sniffer. For a jailbroken iPhone, see the iPhone Wiki's documentation.

Another option would be to create a Bluetooth proxy, relying on the slim authentication performed in the protocol. In this case, the proxy would open all relevant port to the device being reverse engineered, ferrying commands back and forth as a way to record them. You might also need to experiment with changing the device class and, in the case of iOS devices, there is also a lockout sequence that must be implemented.

If none of that works for your device, you could sniff the UART lines that come from the bluetooth module, shown here on the left board. This particular module happens to be a BT23, and Page 8 of BT23_Datasheet.pdf shows that pins 14 and 13 should be tapped to get a communications log.
SPOT Connect

As a last resort, you could always ask for documentation. I didn't bother with this because of my own impatience, but for some devices, such as the Metawatch, documentation is freely available. More than once, a neighborly vendor has been so kind as to give me the source code or documentation just to be neighborly.

Future Work

This article will be followed with one on the physical layer protocol of the SPOT, which I've been able to sniff thanks to some kind help from Michael Ossmann. For a preview of that technique, you are welcome to stalk my SPOT Connect Set on Flickr. The most neighborly of these shows individual bits from a FunCube Dongle recording of the transmission. It's cleartext, of course.
Bits from SPOT Connect

Replacement firmware is also a possibility. The Spot Connect uses an MSP430F5xx microcontroller with the standard USB bootloader, using a Java client on Windows and an Objective C client on OS X. The firmware itself is downloaded by HTTPS, and a copy could be acquired either by a MITM attack on HTTPS or by asking the bootloader politely, using the password that is to be found within the firmware update. Be careful when doing this to test on a unit without a service contract, as service cannot be moved from one unit to another and bricking is a distinct possibility.


I hope that this article has given you a decent overview of the methods for reverse engineering Bluetooth RFCOMM devices. While my subject was the Spot Connect, these methods would apply equally well to something like a GPS, the Metawatch, Bluetooth chat applications, and multiplayer games. Other brands of Bluetooth satellite communicators are available, and open documentation for them would be quite handy. For a list of a few thousand potential targets, search the Bluetooth SIG's Gadget Guide.

Selasa, 06 September 2011

A Bluetooth GoodFET for the N900

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
continuing Promiscuity is the NRF24L01+'s Duty
with kind thanks to @fbz, @skytee, and their Hacker Hostel.

Bluetooth GoodFET

Since building my packet sniffer for the Microsoft 2.4GHz keyboards, I've frequently wanted to demo it without having to drag out a laptop. Laptops are heavy, they are inconvenient, and cables just make matters worse. While it is possible to port it to a standalone board or to add an LCD to the Next Hope Badge, I'd rather have the entire GoodFET client library available over bluetooth to my Nokia N900. Pictured above is my prototype build, which reliably sniffs keyboard traffic on battery power for a more than an hour. Rather than serving as a build tutorial, this article will chronicle the bugs that cropped up during the port, in the hope that they'll help other neighbors trying to port the GoodFET firmware to new devices.

This sniffer was assembled from a Next Hope Badge running the GoodFET firmware with hardwired DCO calibrations, a Roving Networks RN41 module, and three NiMH batteries. The client uses py-bluez at the moment, but I might port it to LightBlue for OS X support. Future models will use a GirlTech IMME or Telos B in place of the Next Hope Badge, to allow me to play with APCO P25 or ZigBee networks without a laptop.

Compiling the Firmware

Most of the GoodFET devices are built around an FT232RL and MSP430, with the FTDI taking care of USB to serial conversions. The client software just opens /dev/ttyUSB0 or its local equivalent through py-serial, then uses the DTR and RTS lines to reset the MSP430 into either the GoodFET application or a masked-ROM bootloader, the BSL. The client and the hardware do a little initialization dance in which the GoodFET is reset until the clock configuration register within the device matches 16MHz. So when you run 'goodfet.monitor info' and it replies with "Clocked at 0x8f9e", the devices has rebooted several times until it finds by chance that 0x8F9E is a stable clock configuration for 16MHz.

When replacing the FTDI with a Bluetooth module, the DTR and RTS lines are unavailable with the timing resolution that is necessary to enter the BSL. Rather than rely upon them, I left them disconnected and instead ran only the TX and RX lines from the RN41 to the NHBadge. The !RST signal is also disconnected, so the GoodFET will boot when power is applied and cannot be rebooted except by the appropriate software command.

Bluetooth GoodFET

This creates a number of complications in the client, which I'll get to later, but the important thing for firmware is that the clock configuration must be explicitly known by the firmware at compile or link time. To specify this at compile time, set CFLAGS="-DSTATICDCO=0x8F9E". To specify it at link time, just flash the image without erasing the INFO flash that resides from 0x1000 to 0x1100 in the MSP430X chips.

Additionally, the firmware must be told which pins to use and which microcontroller to target. These are specified by exporting platform="nhb12b" and mcu="msp430x2618". If an NHB12 were used instead of the NHB12B, then the platform would be redefined appropriately. Finally, the firmware size (and thus the flashing time) can be significantly reduced by exporting config="monitor nrf spi" to reduce the set of applications to only the Monitor, Nordic RF, and SPI applications.

To ease in reconfiguring my build environment, I left a script to create these settings in trunk/firmware/configs/examples/bluetooth-nhb12b.sh . Be sure to change the STATICDCO value to that of your own hardware when building it.

Next Hope Badge Flashing

Finally, the firmware had to be flashed by JTAG, rather than BSL. This was done the same way the Next Hope Badges were originally programmed at the factory, by wedging the board into a GoodFET programmer and running 'goodfet.msp430 flash goodfet.hex', then verifying with 'goodfet.msp430 verify goodfet.hex'.

Patching the Client

Recalling that the client was initially designed to use py-serial, a few changes were required to make it function through py-bluez.

Before writing a proper client, I wrote a quick py-bluez script to connect to the GoodFET and print any string that is received. Briefly touching the !RST signal on the JTAG connector to its GND pin resets the device, causing it this client to print "http://goodfet.sf.net/". If the default GoodFET firmware is flashed, with no STATICDCO or Info Flash, the string will be printed as garbage most times, with one attempt in ten producing a legible string.

Having verified that the timing and baud rate were correct, I continued by writing a communications module, GoodFETbtser(), that emulates the read() and write() functions of serial.Serial() used by the rest of the application. Additionally, the GoodFETbtser.read() function is written so as to always return the exact number of bytes requested by the receiver, as Bluetooth buffering sometimes breaks apart packets that would otherwise reliably be received as contiguous chunks.

The following is a screenshot (with GoodFET.verbose=1) of a transmission being split in half because of a read() request returning too few bytes.
Bluetooth Packetization Bug

Additionally, the initialization routine was modified such that if the GOODFET environment variable is set to a six byte MAC address. Setting it to "bluetooth" causes the firmware to search for Bluetooth devices by name, then exit with instructions for setting the MAC. Later revisions might attempt to use the first observed RFCOMM adapter.


The final client is already mainstreamed into the GoodFET's subversion repository, and it looks a little like the following when packet sniffing encrypted OpenBeacon traffic. It can also sniff Turning Point Clickers, Microsoft Keyboards, and anything else that uses the 2.4GHz Nordic chips.

Bluetooth GoodFET OpenBeacon Sniffing

I've already ordered parts to build Bluetooth versions of the Girltech IMME and the Telos B for mobile sniffing of APCO P25 and ZigBee. My rebuilds will include integrated battery charging from USB and the option of running standalone with the bluetooth module disabled, in order to greatly increase battery life. The client ought to run unmodified on rooted Android devices by use of SL4A and py-bluez. Additionally, I'm planning a firmware port to the OpenBeacon USB 2 module from Bitmanufaktur GmbH.

As a final note, I would like to remind all good neighbors that there is no reason why offensive security can't be fun for the whole family.
Bluetooth GoodFET

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