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Tampilkan postingan dengan label msp430. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Emulating USB Devices with Python

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>

as presented with Sergey Bratus at Recon 2012

with thanks to Sergio Alverez and the Dartmouth Scooby Gang.

Not long ago, I was giving a lecture to Sergey Bratus's class at Dartmouth, where he asked me to teach the students about SPI, I2C, and the other bus protocols that are commonly found in embedded systems. When a student made the inevitable joke about Sergey's Magic School Bus, my good neighbor's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "It's not a bus; it's a network!"

The Magic School Bus is a Network!

A bottle of Laphroaig 18 later, we came to the conclusion that while libusb and python-usb make it easy to prototype USB host-side applications, there wasn't really anything handy for prototyping device-side applications. So the next afternoon, we wired a MAX3421 EVK into the GoodFET41. This allows us to write USB devices entirely in host-side Python, fuzzing for device-driver vulnerabilities wherever we like.

Unlike the Teensy and similar hardware, this tool is not designed to run standalone. All of the complicated software is in Python on one workstation, while the emulated USB device appears on a second workstation. This makes fuzz testing and exploit debugging a hell of a lot more efficient, while the resulting exploit can be ported to run as C firmware for deployment.

GoodFET Does USB

Introducing the Facedancer Board

Our rough prototype was refined into a single board, which is documented as the Facedancer10 as part of the GoodFET project. The board consists of a GoodFET41 with the MAX3420 target onboard. One USB Mini plug runs to the workstation emulating a USB device, and the other USB Mini plug runs to a second host which sees only the emulated device.

Facedancer10 Prototype

The C firmware running on the MSP430 is intentionally kept as minimal as possible, with complexity pushed to the Python client in order to speed development and prevent the need for reflashing during development. This is perfectly fine for emulating USB devices, as kernels seem very tolerant of delays in responses. Additionally, the MAX3420 handles all fast-reaction timings itself, so our round-trip overheads don't create any serious problems.

To learn how the chip functions, read the MAX3420E Programming Guide and similar documents from the MAX3420E Page of Maxim's website.

Maxim MAX3420E

Learning USB

As a networking protocol, USB is quite different from the IP protocols that you are likely familiar with. It is not more difficult, but it is designed along different lines, with a different philosophy and different concepts. To learn the language, I recommend a mixture of reverse engineering devices, writing drivers, and writing emulators. Sniff some traffic with Wireshark, VMWare, or a Total Phase Beagle, then read it and try to write your own client in PyUSB. A good tutorial on that can be found in Adafruit's page on Hacking the Kinect.

In all of this, remember that USB is a network, not a bus. You can be just as 1990's stack-evil as you like, and a lot of the 90's tricks still work in USB. Every device driver included in the operating system is the equivalent of an open port!

Clear code examples for USB protocols can generally be found either in other microcontroller implementations or in the relevant BSD or Linux drivers. In general, you need to know just enough of the SETUP endpoint (EP0) to get the driver to select and initialize the device, then the packets will begin flowing over the other endpoints. There are exceptions, but generally this traffic flows through a device-specific protocol on two more endpoints, one of which is bulk-in and the other bulk-out.

HID Keyboard Emulation

As an example, I've included in the GoodFET repository a script which emulates a simple keyboard through the USB HID protocol. It's run with 'goodfet.maxusbhid', but the bulk of the code is found as the GoodFETMAXUSBHID class in GoodFETMAXUSB.py. The important thing to keep in mind when working from this code is that you are speaking a real protocol, USB HID. You are speaking it over a real chip, the MAX3420. Look up the documentation for both of those if anything is confusing, and look for code examples if things are still unclear.

The HID emulator is a more or less literal translation to Python of Maxim's example code, with much of the code devoted to handling device configuration and descriptor passing. Just like the original, some array boundaries aren't checked, so you can expect a crash or two if the host says things it oughtn't. Exploiting this code in a real product is left as an exercise for the reader.

The first descriptor is the Device Descriptor, which is defined like so. Notice that everything is in Little Endian notation. The maximum packet length is defined as 64 bytes, which is a common maximum and the one supported by the MAX3420.

DD=[0x12, # bLength = 18d
0x01, # bDescriptorType = Device (1)
0x00,0x01, # bcdUSB(L/H) USB spec rev (BCD)
0x00,0x00,0x00, # bDeviceClass, SubClass, Protocol
0x40, # bMaxPacketSize0 EP0 is 64 bytes
0x6A,0x0B, # idVendor(L/H)--Maxim is 0B6A
0x46,0x53, # idProduct(L/H)--5346
0x34,0x12, # bcdDevice--1234
1,2,3, # iMfg, iProduct, iSerialNumber

After the Device Descriptor comes the much longer Configuration Descriptor, which defines this device as being a Human Interface Device. For all vendor-proprietary protocols, the idVendor and idProduct fields of the Device Descriptor define the driver to be used. For standard devices, and HID devices in particular, it's the Configuration Descriptor that tells the operating system to treat the device as a keyboard in addition to whatever else it might be.

The Configuration Descriptor also describes endpoints used by the device. Our HID example has just one IN endpoint on EP3. EP3 was used instead of EP1 or EP2 because in the MAX3420, endpoint directions are hardwired. EP0 is implicitly the endpoint used for configuration; it's the one that the descriptors are transmitted across. EP1 and EP1 are hardwired as OUT endpoints.

Finally, you will see a set of String Descriptors used to describe the product. Roughly speaking, these are Pascal strings beginning with a length and a type, followed by UTF16 bytes. The iMfg, iProduct, and iSerialNumber entries in the Device Descriptor are indexes to this table. In C firmware, it is rather common to find a memory leak when string table entries are requested out of range. More on this bug in a later post.

FTDI Emulation

While HID is a favorite first example for USB, it's not very closely related to the devices you'll see in the field. For one thing, it only uses a single IN endpoint and no OUT endpoints. For another, there are dozens of open source firmware implementations already available. As such, I've also included an emulator for the FTDI chip, which I based upon the documentation in OpenBSD's uftdireg.h and a few quick peeks at the Linux equivalent.

To get up to speed quickly on this emulator, which is found in goodfet.maxusbftdi, compare its class GoodFETMAXUSBFTDI to that of GoodFETMAXUSBHID. In order to load the FTDI driver, it was necessary to change the idVendor and idProduct values to any of those in the FTDI driver's massive list. The strings are for the user's convenience only, so they could have been left unchanged.

Also worth noting is that the FTDI chip requires both IN and OUT endpoints to function, and that the exact endpoints must be specified in the Device Descriptor.

FTDI Emulator

The screenshot above shows goodfet.maxusbftdi emulating an FTDI chip, which a Linux workstation has enumerated as /dev/ttyUSB1. Catting that device returns text through the virtual serial port of a virtual USB chip.

Bugs Abound!

The bug below has already been fixed, but it's worth mentioning that I accidentally got heap corruption in libusb before I got to Hello World with my keyboard emulator. Intentional fuzzing ought to provide all sorts of neighborly results.


Another fun one was found by a Chrome OS developer, and it involves a format string vulnerability in X11's logs. Any devices with a few %n's in its device or manufacturer string will crash X11. You can find example code for doing this on AVR at Kees Cook's Blog. While this probably isn't exploitable on a modern machine due to hardening, there are plenty of embedded ARM devices that could suffer code execution from it.

Finally, be sure to look for consumer apps that crash from USB devices. I've no idea why the hell Skype is watching USB devices, but I do know that it falls over when HID descriptors are fuzzed.

Facedancer in Action

Scapy Integration

Ryan Speers, one of the neighbors with whom I invented the Packet-in-Packet attack, has already begun to write Scapy models for USB. Not only that, but he managed to document it before I got around to publishing this, so you can find his description on his blog. As I write this, it's in the contrib section of the GoodFET repository, but I expect him to integrate it into scapy-com as soon as stability allows.

Host Mode

While the Facedancer10 does not contain hardware for USB Host mode, software support is included for it in GoodFETMAXUSB.py. The hardware, shown below, consists of a MAX3421 development kit wired into a GoodFET41. Generally, pyusb in a real workstation can do everything that you'd need in attacking or proxying a USB device, but there are a few select cases in which you would want host mode from a GoodFET. In particular, it's handy when actions crash the victim device repeatedly, as the GoodFET has no operating system to make re-enumeration slow.

GoodFET as a USB Host


The Facedancer hardware extends the GoodFET framework to allow for fast prototyping and fuzzing of USB device drivers. Software connect/disconnect allows the enumeration process to be repeated, and Ryan's fork allows for clean coding of the various data structures with Scapy.

You can order Facedancer and GoodFET boards by following the instructions on the GoodFET Ordering Page. We're happy to send them out for free to the funemployed, but please properly format your shipping address.

Soon enough, I'll be publishing scripts for "portscanning" a host to see which devices are supported, a USB Mass Storage emulator for attacking filesystem drivers, and a whole host of other nifty tools. Feel free to implement them first, and send a neighborly email to the goodfet-devel mailing list when you do.

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Hacking the Next Hope Badge

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>


In just less than a month, the Next Hope conference will bring a few thousand neighbors to Manhattan's Hotel Pennsylvania to share all sorts of neighborly ideas. The following are some notes that will help enterprising neighbors to hack these badges, which will be running an MSP430 port of the OpenBeacon firmware. These badges are active RFID tags which beacon the position of each attendee a few times a second, so that the god damned devil army of lies--by which I mean the Next Hope badge committee--can track each attendee around the Hotel Pennsylvania. A second part will continue just before the conference begins, but I hope that this will provide sufficient food for thought.

See http://amd.hope.net/ for a nice little video explaining the purpose of the project as a whole. Those who do not wish to broadcast their positions can remove batteries or reprogram them, but to be thorough, they should turn off their cellular phones as well.

A public HTTP API for querying the badge database is defined in the OpenAMD API Manual, and a server should be available for beta testing before the conference begins. For example, to find the location of user 31337, the client will fetch /api/location?user=31337 then look at the X, Y, and Location fields to determine the users position. As for this article, I will stick the badge hardware, its design, and all sorts of neighborly and malicious things that may be done with it or to it. Little mention will be made of the higher levels of the stack, as those are not my specialty.

Also, in order to keep things fun, I reserve the right to lie about any and all technical details of the badge, its operation, or its security mechanisms. This document by no means complete, and there are still plenty of secrets to find.

Badge Hardware, Usage

The badges themselves are built from an MSP430F2618 or MSP430F2418 microcontroller, as well as an NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz radio. The MSP430 chips were kindly donated by Texas Instruments, and replace the energy guzzling PIC chips of yesteryear. Further, they've got a great C compiler and bootloader, so you cannot brick them no matter how bone-headed your replacement firmware might become.

The back of the badge consists of just a battery clip, but it can optionally be populated with an SSOP28 FT232RL USB to Serial adapter an a mini-USB plug. This USB port then allows for replacement firmware to be loaded, as well as a high-speed serial link to that firmware. Kits will be available containing the parts necessary for this, though you should expect them to sell out quickly.

For the schematic, grab the full-res version of this image.
NHBadge 12 Schematic

The layout, for the moment, is private, but you can expect it to be similar to the following cropped image of the prototype. Badges will come in Blue for attendees, Green for speakers, and Red for goons, with prototypes having a white silkscreen.
NHBadge10, Cropped

GoodFET Firmware

When the badges have been flashed with the GoodFET firmware, a prebuilt radio client is available in the form of goodfet.nrf. For example, running 'goodfet.nrf sniffob' will sniff the OpenBeacon protocol, while 'goodfet.nrf carrier 2479000000' will place a carrier wave at 2.479 GHz, jamming any carrier-sensing radios on that frequency.

The full Python scripting environment of the GoodFET is available to the NRF port, so it is easy to script this usage. If you'd like to broadcast Morse code by turning the carrier on and off, you can do so without ever touching a C compiler. The same goes for frequency hopping or packet sniffing, although some architectural limitations of the NRF24L01+ make sniffing difficult without knowing the first three bytes of the destination MAC address to be sniffed.

This code is already committed to the mainstream GoodFET repository. Here it is running on Windows XP, sniffing encrypted traffic from a Last Hope badge.

Radio Configuration Extraction

The exact radio channel and addresses will be a surprise for the conference, but there's little harm in my showing you how to extract them from a running firmware image.

Start with a virgin badge; that is, one which has not been reflashed. Solder on a USB chip and connector, then perform the following without disconnecting it from power. The idea here is to replace the existing MSP430 firmware, then extract the contents of the radio's RAM which is not damaged by a reflashing of the MSP430. It might help to have already tested an installation of the GoodFET client, as you rebooting the host PC might cause the radio to lose its settings.

First, reflash the badge with the goodfet firmware by running 'goodfet.bsl --fromweb' in Unix or 'gfbsl.exe -e -p goodfet.hex' in Windows. Once this is complete, you can dump the radio settings by 'goodfet.nrf info'. For a Last Hope badge which was dumped in a similar manner, the results were as follows.
air-2% goodfet.nrf info
Encoding GFSK
Freq 2481 MHz
Rate 2000 kbps
PacketLen 16 bytes
MacLen 5 bytes
SMAC 0x424541434f
TMAC 0x0102030201

You can get more detail by dumping all registers,
air-2% goodfet.nrf regs
r[0x00]=0x000000000a // CONFIG
r[0x01]=0x0000000000 // EN_AA
r[0x02]=0x0000000001 // EN_RXADDR
r[0x03]=0x0000000003 // SETUP_AW
r[0x04]=0x0000000003 // SETUP_RET
r[0x05]=0x0000000051 // RF_CH
r[0x06]=0x000000000f // RF_SETUP
r[0x07]=0x000000002e // STATUS
r[0x08]=0x0000000000 // OBSERVE_TX
r[0x09]=0x0000000000 // RPD
r[0x0a]=0x424541434f // RX_ADDR_P0
r[0x0b]=0xc2c2c2c2c2 // RX_ADDR_P1
r[0x0c]=0x00000000c3 // RX_ADDR_P2
r[0x0d]=0x00000000c4 // RX_ADDR_P3
r[0x0e]=0x00000000c5 // RX_ADDR_P4
r[0x0f]=0x00000000c6 // RX_ADDR_P5
r[0x10]=0x0102030201 // TX_ADDR
r[0x11]=0x0000000010 // RX_PW_P0
r[0x12]=0x0000000000 // RX_PW_P1
r[0x13]=0x0000000000 // RX_PW_P2
r[0x14]=0x0000000000 // RX_PW_P3
r[0x15]=0x0000000000 // RX_PW_P4
r[0x16]=0x0000000000 // RX_PW_P5
r[0x17]=0x0000000011 // FIFO_STATUS
r[0x18]=0x0000000000 // ?
r[0x19]=0x0000000000 // ?
r[0x1a]=0x0000000000 // ?
r[0x1b]=0x0000000000 // DYNPD
r[0x1c]=0x0000000000 // ?
r[0x1d]=0x0000000000 // ?
r[0x1e]=0x0000000000 // ?
r[0x1f]=0x0000000000 // ?

Sniffing traffic with the GoodFET firmware requires only that these same registers be loaded back into the NRF chip, and also that the MAC addresses be swapped. That is, to sniff Last Hope badge traffic, you will want RX_ADDR_P0 to be 0x0102030201 rather than 0x424541434f.

To perform this on a badge as prepared above, simply run the following.
air-2% goodfet.nrf poke 0x0a 0x0102030201
Poking 0a to become 0102030201.
Poked to 102030201
air-2% goodfet.nrf sniff
Listening as 0102030201 on 2481 MHz
dd 8f 4a 5b ff 7c bb 76 09 42 a6 ec 61 6f 9a db
90 bb 2f cd 06 81 e9 36 20 9c 4c 23 b3 10 6c c7
37 7a 37 c5 93 57 2b 24 6a 9d 9a 8b 3c 52 1c 23
56 a8 04 f5 a7 ed 26 0b 24 ec 39 9d 10 fb da 76
ba b5 d0 5c 89 4d 1c 63 19 28 a1 9d 35 e6 7f a5
ec 63 5f 60 b8 0f 1c bf 4c e6 af 93 c2 fe 93 ee
ad fc a1 25 42 81 7a a1 28 a8 f5 21 4a 7a 55 af
79 42 5c 6d 38 ca 46 ab 1b 8c ab 90 ad 47 90 d1
f6 9a 22 0d e4 37 19 b7 75 34 8d 4f f9 9c fd 2a

Key Extraction

Concerning cryptography, the badges will have it, but that oughtn't stop you from having some fun. Badges are XXTEA encrypted, with keys being published after each conference. A list of old encryption keys can be found at http://wiki.openbeacon.org/wiki/EncryptionKeys, with the key for the above packets being {0x9c43725e,0xad8ec2ab,0x6ebad8db,0xf29c3638}. Example decryption routines are plentiful within the OpenBeacon source repository.

If the badges used more sophisticated radio chips, such as the SPI 802.15.4 chips, an AES128 key would be present within the radio to be read out. Since this isn't the case, the key stays within Flash or RAM of the MSP430 microcontroller.

Flash extraction requires that an attacker gain access to memory through the serial bootstrap loader (BSL) or through JTAG. The BSL is protected by a password, one which might or might not be vulnerable to my timing attack. The timing attack is impossible to perform through the FTDI chip, so a second microcontroller must be wired up to the 0.1" serial port header.

Additionally, it might be possible to extract the contents of Flash through the JTAG port through which these chips are initially programmed. Unlike the bootloader, there is no password protection, but rather a security fuse which is blown to disable future access.

RAM is not protected by the serial bootstrap loader, and you can extract it by first erasing the chip by 'goodfet.bsl -e', then dumping the contents of RAM to disk for later perusal. Somewhere in this mess will be a copy of the XXTEA key, unless I took the time to ensure that is not copied into RAM at startup.

Packet Format

Once decrypted, packets look like the following.
 SZ PR FL ST SEQUENCENUM SOURCEIDXXX RESVD CRC16                                
10 17 00 ff 00 0a 6f a7 ff ff ff ff 00 00 e7 53
10 17 00 ff 00 0a 6f ab ff ff ff ff 00 00 b5 38
10 17 00 aa 00 0a 6f ae ff ff ff ff 00 00 54 79
10 17 00 ff 00 0a 6f b3 ff ff ff ff 00 00 11 ee
10 17 00 ff 00 0a 6f b7 ff ff ff ff 00 00 d0 28
10 17 00 aa 00 0a 6f ba ff ff ff ff 00 00 a2 c4

Fields in order are Size, Protocol, Flags, Strength, Sequence, Serial Number, Reserved, and a CRC16 checksum. The 8-bit Flags field indicates the bits of a capacitive multi-touch sensor, while the Reserved field has been co-opted for a secret project of mine. The Source ID is the badge's serial number, which can be found on a sticker that is present on the badge.

The sequence number is incremented for each packet while the last few bits of it determine the broadcast strength. In this example, the badge is rather far from the reader, so all 00 and 55 strength packets are lost, while some AA and FF packets get through. FF being stronger, more of its packets go through. Comparing packet loss rates allows the aggregation server to determine badge positions.

The received signal strength, RSSI, of each packet is not used in this calculation because it is rather primitive in the NRF24L01+, being only a single bit wide. Competing chips, such as the CC2420, would allow this but only at a significant increase in unit cost.


To facilitate badge hacking, there are four breakout headers, all of which have standard 0.1" spacing.

The first is a 14-pin MSP430 JTAG connector, the same used by the MSP430 FET UIF and the GoodFET.

The second is a 6-pin BSL header, in the style of FTDI breakout boards from Sparkfun. This has not been tested, and you had damned well better only use it at 3.3 volts.

The third is a 7-pin breakout connector for the NRF24L01+ radio and SPI bus. You might use it to add an additional SPI chip, such as a second radio or an LCD. The pins are (1) GND, (2) CE, (3) !CS, (4) SCK, (5) MOSI, (6) MISO, and (7) !IRQ. The !IRQ signal is only asserted by the NRF when configured to do so, so it might be coopted to act as a !CS pin for a second SPI device.

The fourth and final header is an 8-pin breakout of Port 3 of the MSP430 microcontroller. By default, it is used as a capacitive touch sensor, but it might also be used for any sort of I/O expansion. In addition to GPIO, some hardware accelerated ports are available on this pins. I'll leave you to the datasheet to figure them out.

Compatible Hardware

The ANT wireless protocol can be implemented with the NRF24L01+ of this badge, though technical details on exactly how to do it are rather difficult to find. I'd be much obliged if some neighbors brought ANT equipment to the conference for the rest of us to play with.

Sparkfun offers a number of NRF24L01 modules, my favorite of which is a Key Fob Remote.

Stay Tuned

These details should help you to spend more time hacking, and less time researching, during the conference. A special prize will be given for the most original badge modification, with heavy credit going toward those of high technical caliber. There are also some secrets to be found within the badges, so best to bring b

I will be presenting this and a several more tricks as a lecture during the conference, entitled "Building and Breaking the Next Hope Badge" at 22h00 on Saturday, July 17th in the Tesla room. There will also be a panel presentation entitled "The OpenAMD Project" at 18h00 on Friday, July 16th in the Lovelace room. Both rooms are on the 18th floor.

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Call for Info Flash

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
continuing a discussion of MSP430 Info Flash

Neighborly MSP430 developers, please do me a favor and email me the contents of memory from 0x1000 to 0x1100 of every MSP430F2xx device that you can. I'm trying to reverse engineer the exact distributions of the CALBC1_16MHZ and CALDCO_16MHZ values in order to build a UART library that operates without Info Flash. The GoodFET does this well enough, but I still get the occasional bug report when a device is slightly out of range. I can reduce the default to baud rate or try similar tricks to get around this, but I want to know exactly which values are safe.

If your GoodFET can be programmed by goodfet.bsl but does not respond after programming, try the info flash images available in /contrib/infos/ to see if any of them work.
air% goodfet.bsl -e -p 2618-002.txt;\
goodfet.bsl -p ../../trunk/firmware/goodfet.hex
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Mass Erase...
Transmit default password ...
Invoking BSL...
Transmit default password ...
Current bootstrap loader version: 2.13 (Device ID: f26f)
Program ...
256 bytes programmed.
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Invoking BSL...
Transmit default password ...
Current bootstrap loader version: 2.13 (Device ID: f26f)
Program ...
10596 bytes programmed.
air% goodfet.monitor peek 1000 100A
1000 55aa
1002 3fff
1004 abcd
1006 55aa
1008 1234

Previously programmed GoodFETs have info flash wiped during programming, but if yours has never been programmed, you can dump the info with
goodfet.bsl --dumpinfo >info.txt

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

ZStack PRNG Fixed

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
concerning versions 2.2.2 and 2.3.0 of TI Z-Stack
and a fix of the ZigBee Smart Energy Profile ECC vulnerability.

Texas Instruments has released version 2.3.0 of Z-Stack, their ZigBee stack for the TI/Chipcon CC2530, MSP430, and CC430 chips. The new version adds a variety of new features, but chief among them is a fix to the random number generator which used to be utterly insufficient for cryptographic use. Technical details on the vulnerability were first revealed publicly in my last article. (Nate Lawson's translation is here.)

Source code for the new generator is not included, but rather references as a Security Service Provider (SSP). Since 2.2.3, they have extended the SSP API to include SSP_GetTrueRandAES() for generating random numbers by an AES key.

ZStack 2.3.0-1.40 TrueRand Functions

This is then called in zclGeneral_KeyEstablishment_GetRandom(), which in previous versions used the 16-bit LFSR.

ZStack 2.3.0-1.4.0

Authors of firmware for ZigBee Smart Energy devices that have used this code should patch their source code and issue firmware upgrades as quickly as possible. Those with independent crypto implementations should check to ensure that they have not made similar mistakes. Programmers should also note that

Electric utilities with equipment using the MSP430 or Chipcon CC2530 should contact their vendors for such updates. Unlike Windows and Linux, there's no easy way to perform an upgrade of a fragment of microcontroller firmware to which you haven't got the source.

This fix only applies to the remote recovery of keys by PRNG attacks; local key extraction is still possible by the methods that I outlined in Extracting Keys from Second Generation ZigBee Chips.

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

MSP430 Info Flash

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>

The following is a description of the MSP430F2xx Info Flash, as well as my ugly--yet reliable--hack for initializing the DCO of MSP430F2xx chips after my use of the Serial Bootstrap Loader (BSL) has destroyed the contents of that flash on the GoodFET. This ought to be of use to anyone who wishes to make an MSP430 design without a crystal, as well as for anyone who has accidentally erased info flash.

The mask-ROM bootstrap loader, BSL, of the MSP430 chips is damned handy, despite some security concerns. It allows you to very quickly program a chip by the same USB/serial converter that you use to interface it with a computer, without any of the hassles of having to flash a bootloader onto the chip. In this article, I describe the way in which the MSP430F2xx flash can be accidentally corrupted by the bootloader, as well as a method for repairing that damage by backing up the info flash while the password is left as the default.

The MSP430F2xx family has another dandy feature, that clock configuration values need not be calibrated to an external clock, such as the 32KHz crystal of the older GoodFET models. Instead, configuration data is calculated at the factory and placed into info1 flash, a region of 256 bytes at 0x1000. Using this, code that would be rather complicated can become trivially simple.

The code that configures the clock is configured on the GoodFET with MSP430F1xx chips is too complicated for me to include here. By contrast, on the MSP430F2xx chips, it becomes just
void msp430_init_dco() {

The security model of the BSL is a bit confusing. Upon connecting, you are required to present a password before reading, writing, or doing anything else that might affect the security of the device. You are, however, allowed to erase all of flash memory--including the info flash--to 0xFFFF. As this is traditionally the first command that you send upon connecting to a device, you will wipe all of the configuration data of a chip in programming it. Finding this problem is hellish, because the exact same code will work if programmed by JTAG and you quite often have not got JTAG handly if you intend to program everything by the BSL.

As part of the GoodFET project, I've forked TinyOS's tos-bsl client to add support for the MSP430F2xx. I've also implemented a "--dumpinfo" command for dumping info flash to a TI Text file. This file can be reflashed after the chip has been erased to restore its factory settings.

petite%  goodfet.bsl --dumpinfo          
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Use -h for help
Transmit default password ...
aa 55 ff 3f cd ab aa 55 34 12 ff ff aa 55
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff b4 85 fe 16
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 08 10 00 80 01 00
62 7f b2 0b e8 0d 98 7f 01 07 56 08 fe 08
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 01 08 7f 8f 85 8e
74 8d c2 86


This output is in the TI Text format, which is easily converted to Intel-hex, but is a hell of a lot easier to write. Piping it into a file allows me to restore the contents of flash after erasure, and also to extract the configuration values which are used on this chip. Because the chips are similar physically, it turns out that the calibration values for one are often sufficient to program another. So by observing the model number (in big endian at 0x0FF0), I can guess in the absence of calibration values.

//! Initialize the MSP430 clock.
void msp430_init_dco() {
//Clear DCL for BCL12
DCOCTL = 0x00;
//Info is intact, use it.
//Info is missing, guess at a good value.
BCSCTL1 = 0x8f; //CALBC1_16MHZ at 0x10f9
DCOCTL = 0x7f; //CALDCO_16MHZ at 0x10f8

When I find the time, I intend to test a large quantity MSP430 chips to determine the exact tolerances of manufacturing, the variances of CALBC1_16MHZ and CALDCO_16MHZ, and the probability that a given unit will so drastically differ from these values that serial communications become impossible. For now, I've found that the hardwired values above seem to work for all recently acquired MSP430F2274, MSP430F2254, and MSP430F2618 microcontrollers when using the hardware UART at 115,200 bits per second. Further, the GoodFET firmware does not require a crystal when running on these chips.

Minggu, 13 September 2009

GoodFET Firmware Distribution

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>

Until recently, the GoodFET firmware was available only by source code through subversion. While I still expect all GoodFET users to be familiar with C, Unix, Subversion, and other such things, it is a bit much to ask each user to build the MSP430 cross compiler just to use the device. To that end, I'm implementing an automated testing server and firmware distribution system. The latest firmware images are now available by HTTP, free for any client to download and test. This article describes an early incarnation of this system.

To test each target, I've begun to fill a server in Philadelphia with GoodFET boards. Ideally, I'd like one of each GoodFET model matched to one of each target, but that collection has not yet been completed. In this screenshot below, the Chipcon and SPI Flash targets are being tested.

GoodFET Testing Server

If the output contains anything different, the diff will show this and require manual intervention before an update may be published. These differences might be caused by a failed test, or they might be caused by a minor change, such as the amount of reported RAM consumption in the following screenshot.
Failing GoodFET Test

To distribute these files, the Makefile in /packaging/ checks out a fresh copy of the code from subversion, builds and installs it to all attached boards, runs every available test case, and compares the results. If--any only if--all test cases match, the resulting intel hex files will be uploaded to http://goodfet.sourceforge.net/dist/. Clients may fetch these to update the targets, and I've added the "goodfet.bsl" client--a fork of tos-bsl-- to facilitate this upgrades.


Loadable modules will come next, along with some substantial changes to the GoodFET packet format that will allow for much larger blocks. I also hope to soon revamp MSP430 JTAG support, with support for quickly flashing 1xx and 5xx devices, as well as support for MSP430X (1xx and 4xx) devices.

As a final note, be sure to update your clients as well as your firmware. The packet format changes and other alterations might break compatibility of the new firmware with the old clients.

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

The GoodFET's MSP430 Stack Depth

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>

Today I'm stranded in Munich and unable to walk, so I thought it neighborly to measure the stack depth of the GoodFET's firmware in order to determine the minimal microcontroller necessary, reducing the material cost of each unit. This article ought to help those who wish to do the same.

The MSP430F1612 ($15 to $11) that I presently use is rather expensive, and a smaller, cheaper chip will likely suffice. While I don't expect the code to fit in the MSP430F2013 ($3 to $1.50), it's not unreasonable to assume that something like the MSP430F2274 ($5 to $3) would be a good choice.

To determine whether the Flash is sufficient is easy, as I can measure that by the size of the output image. make install reveals this to be 7566 bytes as of r79, which will comfortably fit in the MSP430F2254 (16KB) and 2274 (32KB) and doesn't come close to filling the 1612's 55KB of Flash.

Determining RAM usage is much more difficult, and likely better to be done in actual use than in simulation or by static analysis. I'm implementing this by adding two new commands to the Monitor application. The first, RAM_PATTERN (0x90), fills all of RAM with 0xBEEF, suiciding and resetting at the end. The second, RAM_DEPTH (0x91), measures how large this block of memory is. By running the first, then running several test cases, then running the second, I can accurately measure RAM usage, estimating the minimum required chip for the GoodFET firmware. RAM_PATTERN cannot simple be run at start because the GoodFET restarts each time a client connects.

RAM_PATTERN must know the entry point of the application in order to reset, as well as the start and end addresses of RAM. No care need be taken to avoid damaging the stack or global variables, as a reboot will obliterate and repopulate them anyways.

Looking at the linker script (trunk/firmware/ldscripts/161x.x), it can be seen that the RAM region is defined by data (rwx): ORIGIN = 0x1100, LENGTH = 0x1400, so it extends from 0x1100 to 0x2500. RAM_PATTERN simply writes 0xBEEF over this region, then calls asm("br &0xfffe") to reboot. Don't forget your pointer arithmetic: ++ on a pointer increments by the word size (2), not the integer address (1).

In any case, once these functions are working, it's a simple matter to measure RAM usage. As we know that 0x1400 bytes are available, we can fill with the pattern, then restart, then run code, and compare the number of available bytes. By the following log, you can see that 0x12b2 bytes are unused by the GoodFET firmware even after running the Chipcon test cases, or that 0x1400-0x12b2=0x14E=334 bytes of RAM are necessary.

petite% goodfet.monitor ramfill
petite% goodfet.monitor ramdepth
0x12c4 RAM bytes free.
petite% goodfet.monitor test
Performing monitor self-test.
Self-test complete.
petite% goodfet.cc test >>/dev/null
petite% goodfet.monitor ramdepth
0x12b2 RAM bytes free.

Rounding that 334 byte measurement up a bit, it still ought to fit in the MSP430F2254's 512 bytes of RAM, with a pin-compatible upgrade available for the 2274 with 1 kilobyte of RAM. For comparison, the present hardware has 5K of RAM with the MSP430F1612 and 10K with the 1611.

Note that this lean behavior is only possible because the GoodFET's firmware is very flat and uses no dynamically allocated buffers. I will be running some more tests, and if they turn out to my liking, there's a good bet that the MSP430F2274 will be the basis of the GoodFET30.

Firmware compatibility between the two chips will require more creativity than the present scheme of a wacky linker script, as they are of different families. Seeing as how plenty of memory is left over, I could write firmware which identifies its host system and configures the I/O ports so as to run on either system from a single image. I don't think that I will do this, as incompatibilities in the I/O port choices would require complication of all I/O routines that could better be handled by preprocessor directives.

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

MSP430 Challenge of May 2009

Howdy neighbors,

The following image is a piece of disassembled code that was compiled for the MSP430F1611. The code is found in many programs, but in this one it is accidentally vestigial as a result of a compiler bug. Please comment as to (1) which compiler generated the code, (2) what the code was intended to do, and (3) why the code is vestigial in the example, but might not be in another program. Translations to C or psuedocode and commented write-ups are also nice. The MSP430F1xx Family Guide might be handy if you're unfamiliar with the architecture.

I'll send a GoodFET board to the most insightful commentator, but as I send those boards out to anyone who asks, you're really only commenting for the neighborliness of it all. If I get enough replies, I'll post one of these each month.

Also, I saw a lot of good work on last month's Masked ROM Challenge while I was a Cleveland, but next to nothing has been sent my way. If you made significant progress, such as semi-automated extraction of the bits, please email me.

--Travis Goodspeed
<travis at radiantmachines.com>

Disassembly Challenge

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

FET Firmware from MSP430.DLL

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>

The firmware of the MSP430 FET is distributed for purposes of upgrades within MSP430.dll. In this brief article, I'll describe its location and a method for extraction.

Firmware as Regions

All of these examples will use MSP430.dll with the following checksum. My previous FET articles have used a firmware image from the last revision of libMSP430.so, so addresses and code fragments will differ slightly.

MSP430 FET IVT in MSP430.dll

A bit of quick searching reveals that the firmware of the MSP430 FET is contained within MSP430.dll as little-endian words at these addresses.
Bootloader code at offset of 0x1BFE8, region [0xF800,0xFFE0).
Application code at offset of 0x1EB38, region [0x2500,0xF7E0).
IVT at offset of 0x1BDBC, region [0xFFE0,0xFFFF].

That is, to recover the bootloader, copy 32 bytes (0x10000-0xFFE0=0x20) from the DLL at (0x1BDBC+0xFFE0=0x2BD9C) offset to the target MSP430 image at 0xFFE0.

Below are memory maps of my first attempt at extraction and an old EZ430 FET. It's clear that a lot of junk has been included by accident, which is why tabular entries, rather than regions should be used.

MSP430FETEZ430U Memory Map

In addition to the large segments, there are also a few scattered bytes that form the lower IVT. (See Repurposing the TI EZ430U, Part 3 for an explanation of why there are two Interrupt Vector Tables.) Because the lower IVT is sparse, only those words which are not 0xFFFF are included. For example, the lower RESET vector--which, incidentally, is never read by the bootloader, in which the lower RESET is hard-coded--resides at 0xF7FE and points to 0x2502.

Searching MSP430.DLL for the interrupt vector, "02 25", yields a few results, one of which is "fe f7 d9 02 02 25". That's quite clearly an entry in a table of some sort. Searching around it yields a few more entries.

Firmware as a Table

By this point is should be clear that while it might be possible to extract the different fragments of the firmware manually, it would by much nicer to dump the whole damned thing as a table. This can be done.

Each entry is of the form {adr, len, data} where adr is the 16-bit address of the fragment within the firmware image, len is the length of the data in 16-bit words, and data is a collection of 16-bit words as little-endian. Following one entry is another, ending with an invalid address. (Anything less than 0x200 is I/O, anything less than 0x2500 is not flash.) Adding 4+(len<<1) to an entry's pointer gives the next entry.

Using this technique and finding an initial entry point of 0x21036, I generated a dump that produces the following image (left) as compared to the previous attempt (right).
MSP430.dll FET FirmwareMSP430FET

The new attempt contains everything important, including a few bytes which were missed in the first attempt. It also lacks all of the vestigial bytes that got roped in by the previous method. Further, as each binary is defined by a single entry point, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to search for the entry point in order to generically dump any version of the library.

This cleanliness is confirmed by the callgraph below, which properly shows no function calls between the bootloader (right) and the application (left). (Branches are not graphed.)

MSP430.dll FET Firmware

The Code

The MSP430 Flash Emulation Tool's firmware is available for free download in MSP430.DLL, and anyone wishing to experiment with it need only download the library and extract the code.

A hastily written extraction utility can be found by subversion. A screenshot follows.
svn co https://goodfet.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/goodfet/contrib/fetextract

FET Firmware Extraction

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Breaking 802.15.4 AES128 by Syringe

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>

I'm working on a pair of hands-on Zigbee hacking workshops. The first, which I've submitted with Aurélien Francillon to ToorCamp involves the writing of advanced stack overflow attacks for the MSP430 and AVR microcontrollers. The second, which I've submitted to Defcon 17, involves a number of hands-on hardware attacks against Zigbee nodes. Both include the sniffing of AES128 keys from a CC2420 Zigbee radio, a procedure that I demonstrated informally at Source Boston and describe below.

The CC2420 is a popular Zigbee/802.15.4 radio, and it is found in many wireless sensor development kits. We'll be attacking its hardware-accelerated AES128 implementation, by taking advantage of the fact that keys must be loaded over the SPI bus.

Zigbee Sniffing

In the photograph above, I've tapped one of three SPI pins of the CC2420 radio chip on a Telos B using a hypodermic syringe. SPI consists of four pins: SCL, MOSI, MISO, and !SS. SCL, the Serial Clock, is output from the master to synchronize communication with the slave. MOSI and MISO are data lins, Master Out Slave In and Master In Slave Out. !SS or Slave Select is an inverted line that indicates the selection of a particular slave chip. Here, we'll only be tapping SCLK and one of the data lines, as two syringes are much easier to hold that four. Ground is shared by USB, so it isn't critical that we tap it.

As seen on my portable scope below, the tapped pin is the SCL, the data clock. The clock stands out because it idles low, and because all pulses in a batch are of regular width. Unlike a system clock, the clock only cycles when data is being transported.

Zigbee Sniffing

The remaining two pins, in the group of three, are data. As shown on the scope image below, SPI data lines idle high, and bits are measures on edges of the clock.

Zigbee Sniffing

Now that the clock and data lines have been found, it is necessary to sniff the traffic using a bus adapter. Until SPI-sniffing firmware for the Hackaday Bus Pirate becomes available, I will continue to use the Total Phase Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer. A screenshot of the Total Phase client follows.

CC2420 Sniffing

All that remains to identify the key in use, or anything else sent over the bus, is to read the log. I will likely release scripts for doing so at Defcon.

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Speaking at 25C3

BSLCracker 3.0

At the 25th Chaos Communications Congress in Berlin this December, I'll be presenting some new research in the security of the MSP430's serial bootstrap loader (BSL) as well as a nice little lecture/workshop combo on reverse-engineering the TI EZ430 development tool.

I intend to travel through France and England, returning in late January for S4, Miami. Please email me if you'd like to meet.

Cracking the MSP430 BSL
Day 1 (2008-12-27), 20h30 (8:30 pm) in Saal 3.

The Texas Instruments MSP430 low-power microcontroller is used in many medical, industrial, and consumer devices. When its JTAG fuse is blown, the device's firmware is kept private only a serial bootstrap loader (BSL), certain revisions of which are vulnerable to a side-channel timing analysis attack. This talk continues that from Black Hat USA by describing the speaker's adventures in creating a hardware device for exploiting this vulnerability.

While the previous part focused on the discovery of the timing vulnerability and its origin, this lecture will focus on the exploitation. Topics include a brief review of the vulnerability itself, PCB design and fabrication, the malicious stretching of timing in a bit-banged serial port, observation of timing differences on the order of a microsecond, and the hell of debugging such a device.

Repurposing the TI EZ430U
Lecture: Day 3 (2008-12-29), 12h45 (pm) in Saal 3
Workshop: Not yet scheduled.

USB devices are sometimes composed of little more than a microcontroller and a USB device controller. This lecture describes how to reprogram one such device, greatly expanding its potential.

At only twenty dollars, the Texas Instruments EZ430U is a bargain of an in-circuit debugger for the MSP430 microcontroller. The board itself is composed of little more than an MSP430 and a USB to Serial controller. The board's JTAG fuse is unblown, and full schematics are included in public documentation. This lecture will discuss the use of the EZ430U, not as a debugging tool, but as a development platform in and of itself. Topics will include the writing of replacement firmware, analysis of the default firmware, reprogramming the USB to Serial controller, and potential target applications.

Travis Goodspeed
<travis at radiantmachines.com>

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

The MSP430F2254 is a 2274.

MSP430F2254, a 2274 in Disguise

A few weeks back, I ran out of MSP430F2274 chips and used the pin-compatible 2254 for a few of my BSLCracker boards. After connecting a FET to program the first of them, I found that GDB mistook it for a 2274. The chip ID of a 2254, beginning at 0xFF0 and continuing as big-endian quartets, is "F2274". The photograph above, taken by Brooke Hill, confirms that the die of the MSP430F2254 is that of a 2274.

What method is used by TI to downgrade a '74 to a '54, and is it reversible? Please email me if you can shed any light on the matter.

--Travis Goodspeed
<travis at utk.edu>

Senin, 01 September 2008

Temporarily Paralyzing the MSP430 Memory Bus

I've been playing lately with the use of light to induce temporary faults within a decapped MSP430F1101A. The chip, pictured above, was decapped by Chris of Flylogic Engineering. Lacking a convenient source of UV with which to begin erasing flash memory, I tried the flash from my digital camera. What luck!

Although it appears that flash memory has been reset, that is not in fact the case. The memory bus is paralyzed, with all reads returning 0xFFFF. This includes Flash, RAM, and ROM regions. After a while, this effect dissipates and memory returns to normal.

I'll soon begin to experiment with different wavelengths, durations, and polarizations of light. Please email me if you've any advice to offer.


Senin, 16 Juni 2008

MSP430 BSL Passwords: Brute Force Estimates and Defenses

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at utk.edu>
at the Extreme Measurement Communications Center
of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
regarding the work of
Alexander Becher, Zinaida Benenson, and Maximillian Dornseif
with minor additions and comments.

The MSP430 microcontroller uses its 256-bit interrupt vector table (IVT) as a password for its serial bootstrap loader (BSL), which can remain activated despite a blown JTAG fuse. As code confidentiality then depends upon the BSL password, this article will make some preliminary observations as to the difficulty of guessing the password. It doesn't attempt to be terribly thorough, precise, or academic. Rather, consider this to be a few `back of the napkin' notes on breaking the password. Further, the scope of this article is limited to the brute forcing of passwords. Alternatives to brute forcing will not be discussed here.

A good starting point would be [1] Tampering with Motes: Real World Physical Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks. It's an excellent paper, but be sure to get the 15-page version; the 4-page variant is no substitute. This article will begin by recapping their estimate of the BSL password strength, and it will conclude with the source code of a Perl script mentioned--but not included--in that paper.

The issue at hand is that the MSP430 reuses its interrupt vector table (IVT) as a password. Thus, while the password is technically 256 bits in length, many of those bits are either fixed or predictable. Further, as the BSL allows for direct memory access to the device, it might be used to compromise keys where the firmware is known.

Becher et all attempted to determine the minimum keyspace, which is to say the number of bits out of 256 which are truly unpredictable in a rather small program. Beginning with 256 bits in an array of sixteen 16-bit interrupt handler function pointers, their reasoning follows: (1) As all MSP430 instructions must be even-aligned, every valid interrupt handler must have a least-significant bit of 0. Therefore, the space is reduced to 16*15=240 bits. (2) As the reset vector always points to the beginning of flash memory, the space is further reduced to 15*15=225 bits. (3) All unused interrupts point to the same address. As a worst case would have at least four distinct handlers, the keyspace will be reduced to no less than 4*15=60 bits by this observation. (4) As code is placed in a contiguous region of memory, a smaller program would have less are in which to place interrupt handlers. Supposing the program uses only 2^11=2kb of flash memory, the key domain is reduced to only 4*10=40 bits.

Note that as the intent is to come up with a reasonable minimum, claims (3) and (4) above refer only to a reasonable minimum of program security. An average, complicated ZigBee application might well have many more bits of randomness. They then measured that the speed of a brute forcing algorithm is 12 passwords/second at 9600 baud, 31p/s at 38,400 baud, and 83p/s at 38,400 baud with a modified client. They state a theoretical limit at 38,400 baud of 150p/s. Rounding off to 2^7=128 passwords per second, they conclude that brute forcing would be limited to 2^(40-7-1)=2^32 seconds, which is roughly equal to 128 years.

I'd like to briefly consider how brute forcing might be sped up beyond their estimates, even if such a speed-up is not of sufficient magnitude to make unassisted brute-forcing of the BSL feasible.

While the most recent revisions of the BSL require a password for changing the baud rate, V1.60 and V1.61 have no such requirement[2]. When using this command, the BSL client sends three bytes: D1, D2, and D3. D3 is what we would expect: 0x00 for 9600 baud, 0x01 for 19200 baud, and 0x02 for 38400 baud. D1 and D2, however, are much more interesting. They are written directly to the clock module control registers! (DCOCTL and BCSCTL1 on F1xx/F2xx; SCFI0/SCFI1 on F4xx.) These two registers control the frequency of the device, and they may be set to anything the device supports, which is in excess of the 4.2Mhz required for 38400 baud. Further, bytes are read by bit-banging, which is calibrated by the 0x80 synchronization character. By sending 0x80 too quickly and setting the microcontroller to 8 or 16mhz, it should be possible to brute force at a much faster rate. 2^9 passwords is a reasonable rough estimate; a bit more might be possible. 32 years is still too slow to be practical, but perhaps with possession of another revision of the target firmware image this speed-up might be valuable.

Suppose that you wish to maximize the security of the BSL password on your MSP430-based device, and you don't want to disable the BSL entirely. Becher's solution from [1] is a Perl script which replaces each interrupt pointer in the IVT with a pointer to another address, which contains a branch to the original address. At the cost of a few extra cycles on each interrupt, it can considerably increase the difficulty of brute-forcing a password. Most importantly, by separately randomizing the vectors of every device you ship, it is possible to defend against an attacker who has a copy of the firmware but does not have internally held keys of a device from reading those keys through the BSL.

In August at Black Hat USA 2008, I'll be presenting a timing attack which makes it possible to break some revisions of the BSL in short order.

[1] Tampering with Motes: Real World Physical Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks
[2] SLAA089: Features of the MSP430 BSL

use warnings;
use strict;

# Use with Intel Hex files for Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontrollers.
# Replace ALL interrupt vectors with addresses generated randomly.
# Store jump instructions to the original interrupt handlers there.

# Written by Alexander Becher <alex@cyathus.de>, 2005.
# Use freely.

# $start and $end define the address range into which new vectors will point.

# The start address will be updated by the Ihex reading code below.
# It must be correctly aligned.
my $start = 0x4000;

# This is where the interrupt table starts. Addresses >= $end will not be used!
my $end = 0xffe0;

my $align = 2; # code addresses on MSP430 must be even

my %used; # will contain used memory regions

my @interrupts; # stores the original interrupt vector table

# Read an Intel hex file. With much help from BFD.
while (<>) {
my ($len, $addr, $data, $checksum)
= (/^:([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{4})00([[:xdigit:]]*)([[:xdigit:]]{2})\cM?$/);

## Does not work? What did I do wrong??
# if (m/^: # colon
# ([[:xdigit:]]{2}) # data length
# ([[:xdigit:]]{4}) # address
# 00 # record type
# ([[:xdigit:]]*) # data
# ([[:xdigit:]]{2}) # checksum
# \cM?$/x # CRLF
# ) {

if (!defined $addr || ($addr ne "FFE0" && $addr ne "FFF0")) {
# update start of unused address region
# assume ascending order of addresses
# (i.e. it is not the case that there is a line in the hex file
# which contains code for address 0x4242 which is followed by a
# line which contains code for address 0x2323)

# assume all data first, then interrupts, then trailing stuff
if (defined $addr && defined $len) {
$start = align(hex($addr) + $len);


# If we reach this point, we are reading the first or the second
# line of the interrupt vector table.

# Attention: MSP430 is little endian!
while ($data =~ /([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{2})/g) {
push @interrupts, hex "$2$1";

# If this is the second line, do The Real Work[tm].
if (@interrupts && $addr eq "FFF0") {

# Why this program exists ;->
sub replace_interrupts {
my (@interrupts) = @_;

foreach my $addr (@interrupts) {
# Create a branch instruction to the original address of the handler
my $instr = br($addr);

# Get a new, unused address, using key material
my $new_addr = new_addr(length $instr);

# write a branch instruction there, mark appropriate addresses as used.
code($new_addr, $instr);

# point interrupt vector to new address (use Perl's loop aliasing)
$addr = $new_addr;

print ihex(0xFFE0, map { rep_16bit_le($_) } @interrupts);

# Returns a new random unused address suitable for putting code of
# $length bytes there. Return value will be aligned.
sub new_addr {
my ($length) = @_;

my ($addr, $diff);

$diff = ($end - $start) / $align;

# create a new random address until an unused region of the desired
# length is found
do {
my $n = int rand $diff;
$addr = $start + $n * $align;
} while (grep { $_ } map { isused($addr+$_) } (0..$length-1));
# Woohoo, Perl's list processing rocks. ;-> The above was a crude
# form of "Is any address in the region [$addr, $addr+$length) used?".

return $addr;

sub isused { $used{shift()} }

sub mark_used {
my ($addr, $len) = @_;

foreach ($addr .. $addr + $len) {
$used{$_} = 1;

# Place $code at $addr (which must be aligned). Outputs an ihex line
# which says just that, and marks the memory area as used.
sub code {
my ($addr, $code) = @_;

my $l = length $code;
mark_used($addr, $l);

print ihex($addr, $code);

# MSP 430 branch instruction
sub br { "\x30\x40" . rep_16bit_le(@_) }

# 16 bit little endian representation
sub rep_16bit_le { pack("v", @_) }

# ihex($addr, @data)
# write an ihex line, saying that $addr contains bytes @data
# @data should contain "\xXX" binary data
sub ihex {
my ($addr, @data) = @_;

@data = split //, join("", @data);

my $type = 0; # data

my $ret = "";

while (@data) {
my @bytes = @data >= 16 ? (splice @data, 0, 16) : (splice @data);

my $c = @bytes;

# XXX pack?
my $data = join("", map { sprintf "%02X", ord $_ } @bytes);

# checksum computation from GNU binutils bfd/ihex.c
my $checksum = $c + $addr + ($addr >> 8) + $type;
foreach (@bytes) {
$checksum += ord;
$checksum = (- $checksum) & 0xff;

$ret .= sprintf(":%02X%04X%02X%s%02X\cM\cJ",
$c, $addr, $type, $data, $checksum);

$addr += 16; # wrong for last iteration, but irrelevant then

return $ret;

# round up to the nearest multiple of $align
sub align {
my ($n) = @_;
if ($n % $align != 0) {
$n += $align - ($n % $align);
return $n;

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

ImageCraft V7 Symbol Importing for MSP430static

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at utk.edu>
at the Extreme Measurement Communications Center
of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

I just committed r38 of msp430static which adds support for importing symbols from ImageCraft V7 for MSP430. A short example follows.

I'll use the following C code, but any will suffice.
void main(){
int x=0xFFFF;
Compiling it yields many files. The two of interest are FOO.hex and FOO.mp. The former is imported by converting it to msp430-elf and dumping the resulting ELF file.
karen% msp430-objcopy -I ihex -O elf32-msp430  FOO.hex foo.exe
karen% msp430-objdump -D foo.exe | m4s init
Symbols are then imported with the .symbols.import.ic7 macro.
karen% m4s .symbols.import.ic7 <FOO.mp

At this point, msp430static knows the name of every function in my image. Here is the callgraph of my program above.

Note that my examples are in Linux. ICC 7 works perfectly as both an IDE and compiler under Wine.

Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Switch/Case Headaches in MSP430 Assembly

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at utk.edu>
at the Extreme Measurement Communications Center
of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

While polishing off my rewrite of msp430static, my function identifier ran into a bug which was the result of an improperly-handled switch/case statement. This short article is intended to show a practical example of the mixing of code and data in von Neumann machines, as well as what a headache variable-length instructions can be.

This article will concern the meaning of the following slice of object code and that which follows it, found within the Msp430TimerP$1$Event$fired method of TinyOS 2.x Blink example. You can find the associated executable and disassembly at http://frob.us/~travis/public/blog/misc/switchcase/.

Consider the following fragment of code:
    4124:       10 4f 28 41     br      16680(r15)              ;
4128: 38 41 pop r8 ;
412a: 68 41 mov.b @r1, r8 ;
412c: 78 41 pop.b r8 ;
412e: 88 41 98 41 mov r1, 16792(r8);
4132: a8 41 b8 41 mov @r1, 16824(r8);
4136: ...
What does this code accomplish? What is the meaning of the POP statement at 0x4128? Try it yourself before reading ahead.

The answer is simple. There is no POP instruction, neither at 0x4128 nor anywhere else in the code above! 0x4128 is the first entry of a jump table, which continues past the end of the excerpt. 0x4124 uses the indexed addressing more. `BR 16680(r15)' is a branch to the address contained within the word at 16680+r15. 16680--as you can find by a calculator or by reading the second word of the object code--is 0x4128, the address of our POP instruction.

It's easy to reconstruct the table by reading the object code, correcting for endianness. The fragment shown above is {4138, 4168, 4178, 4188, 4198, 41a8, 41b8, ...}. Note not only that the disassembler is unable to recognize that the table is not code, but also that the disassembler is unable to determine where words begin and end. Continuing the code, we find that the list terminates in the following manner:
    4136: c8 41 1f 42  mov.b r1, 16927(r8);
413a: 82 01 .word 0x0182; ????
413c: 8f 10 swpb r15 ;
The word at 413a is not properly disassembled because it is neither an element in the list nor an instruction. Rather, it is the second word of a 4-byte instruction. This instruction is "1f 42 82 01" or "0x421f 0x0128", depending upon your choice of notation. The MSPGCC project's handy python disassembler reveals that the instruction is "mov &296, R15" where 296=0x0128.

Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

Static Analysis of MSP430 Firmware in Perl

by Travis Goodspeed <travis at utk.edu>
at the Extreme Measurement Communications Center
of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

That which follows is an adaption of notes which I made during the course of writing msp430static, a sort of poor man's IDA Pro for static analysis of MSP430 firmware without source code.

What Functions Look Like

A call to strcpy, such as the one which follows, is accomplished by populating r15 with the destination address and r14 with the source address, then calling the function at its hex address. In the following example, foo is the target (r15) and babe is the source (r14). See my article on IAR's MSP430 calling conventions for references to calling convention documentation for various compilers, as each compiler seems to do something different on this platform.
1154: 3e 40 7a 02 mov #634, r14 ;#0x027a
1158: 0f 44 mov r4, r15 ;
115a: b0 12 a4 11 call #4516 ;#0x11a4

In the unstripped binary, we'll find the code for strcpy at the address (0x11a4) called above:
000011a4 <strcpy>:
11a4: 0d 4f mov r15, r13 ;
11a6: 0c 4f mov r15, r12 ;
11a8: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
11aa: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
11ae: 4f 93 cmp.b #0, r15 ;r3 As==00
11b0: 07 24 jz $+16 ;abs 0x11c0
11b2: 1e 53 inc r14 ;
11b4: 1d 53 inc r13 ;
11b6: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
11b8: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
11bc: 4f 93 cmp.b #0, r15 ;r3 As==00
11be: f9 23 jnz $-12 ;abs 0x11b2
11c0: 0f 4c mov r12, r15 ;
11c2: 30 41 ret

The stripped binary has the function at the same address, but has no function label. In fact, there isn't even a note (in msp430-objdump) that the address is the beginning of a function.
   11a4:       0d 4f           mov     r15,    r13     ;                                                                                                               
11a6: 0c 4f mov r15, r12 ;
11a8: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
11aa: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
11ae: 4f 93 cmp.b #0, r15 ;r3 As==00
11b0: 07 24 jz $+16 ;abs 0x11c0
11b2: 1e 53 inc r14 ;
11b4: 1d 53 inc r13 ;
11b6: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
11b8: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
11bc: 4f 93 cmp.b #0, r15 ;r3 As==00
11be: f9 23 jnz $-12 ;abs 0x11b2
11c0: 0f 4c mov r12, r15 ;
11c2: 30 41 ret
It's easy enough to detect the presence of this code in a stripped executable by looking for "mov r15, r12" or "0x0c 0xf4" and comparing the bytes that follow. I can't stress enough the importance of endian-awareness: the second column is composed of bytes, not words. As a word, "mov r15,r12" is 0xf40c. When in doubt, double-check yourself with the Single Line MSP430 Assembler.

Note that calling conventions vary considerably across the many MSP430 compilers and even among versions of the same compiler, depending upon optimization options and inlining. Don't expect all calls to look like this: check for yourself.

Before looking at a decompilation of the above, notice that a reasonably large string of bytes {6f 4e, cd 4f 00 00, 4f 92} appears twice. This duplicity might be removed by another optimizer, but it shows that something in the code is sufficiently intrinsic to the function to appear twice in one function. Perhaps it will remain consistent across compilers? In point of fact, this expanse of code copies a byte from the address contained within r14 to the address contained within r13. The final word compares the byte that was copied to zero. In the first usage, the function jumps to the end in the event that the comparison is zero. In the second usage, which follows the incrementing of both r14 and r15, the jump is backward if the comparison is not zero. A rough approximation in psuedo-C follows
char* strcpy(char* dest, char* src){
a=dest; //mov r15, r13
b=dest; //mov r15, r12

c=*src; //mov.b @r14, r15
*a=c; //mov.b r15, 0(r13)
if(c==0) //cmp.b #0, r15
goto ret; //jz $+16

src++; //inc r14
a++; //inc r13
c=*src; //mov.b @r14, r15
*a=c; //mov.b r15, 0(r13)
}while(c!=0) //cmp.b #0, r15
// jnz #-12

return b; //mov r12, r15
} //ret
In the decompilation, I refer to r15 as both dest and c, as its purpose changes completely. Variables are passed as dest=r15 and src=r14, as GCC allocates parameters in the order r15, r14, r13, r12. The result, for strcpy() the destination address, is returned in r15.

It is apparent that this could be written a bit more compactly by merging the first and second stanzas. Also, the use of the indirect auto-increment addressing mode (As=11, of the form @Rn+) could eliminate the "inc r14" line. The instructions might also be reordered, and any number of register combinations might be used to hold intermediate values. It's not possible to detect all the ways in which strcpy() might be implemented, but it shouldn't be too difficult to detect the different ways in which it will be implemented. After all, it's far easier to fix an overflow vulnerability than to hide it; is it not?

Testing my theory, I disassembled the same program, this time compiled with IAR's compiler (V4.09A/W32). Grepping for cmp.b yielded a single line, at address 0xF86E, in the codeblock which follows.
   f864:       0f 4c           mov     r12,    r15     ;                                                                                                               
f866: 0e 4c mov r12, r14 ;
f868: 1c 53 inc r12 ;
f86a: fe 4d 00 00 mov.b @r13+, 0(r14) ;
f86e: ce 93 00 00 cmp.b #0, 0(r14) ;r3 As==00
f872: f9 23 jnz $-12 ;abs 0xf866
f874: 0c 4f mov r15, r12 ;
f876: 30 41 ret
Those that have read my article on the register usage of IAR will note that the ABI is different in the code sample above. IAR fixed the register allocation order in October of 2007, and it now allocates registers in the order r12, r13, r14, r15.

This code is heavily--but imperfectly--optimized, so it's a bit difficult to decompile by hand. It all becomes clear when you realize that r12 is post-incremented and the original value is loaded into r14, the destination address for each character. Unlike GCC, the indirection post-increment addressing mode is used, but on the very next line we see that this necessitates another RAM access! Perhaps the cache will take care of it, but this means that IAR makes three memory accesses--one write and two reads--for every two that GCC makes. I'd recommend hand optimization for this function, if my stronger recommendation wasn't to scrap it as a troublemaker.

The decompiled code follows,
char* strcpy(char* dest, char* src){
char *a,
*b=dest; //mov r12, r15
a=dest; //mov r12, r14
dest++; //inc r12
*(a++)=*src; //mov.b @r13+, 0(r14)
}while(0!=*src); //cmp #0, 0(r14)
//jnz $-12
return b; //mov r15, r12
I'd be willing to bet that the original is quite a bit denser in C, but this ought to be easy enough to understand.

So how do we do a generalized search for this, one which will recognize most implementations by most compilers? I propose a pattern that looks for the following:
  1. The use of two registers, source pointer SRC and destination pointer DEST.
  2. A mov.b instruction with SRC as the source. (Call the destination FOO)
  3. A mov.b instruction with DEST as the destination. (Call the source BAR.)
  4. A cmp.b instruction involving the immediate zero and the register SRC, DEST, FOO, or BAR.
I don't demand an inc for SRC as it might be auto-incremented (@Rn+), and I don't demand one for DEST as it might be copied from another variable in an IAR post-increment (cvar++).

It's possible to add more rules which describe the preceding examples. For example, both of these examples move their first parameter to a temporary register and, later, move it back. Both follow the cmp.b with a jnz. I advise against making any matching pattern too strict, as it'll result in false negatives. Keeping things loose might result in false positives, but those false positives will be fertile ground for exploits of their own, even if they aren't strcpy().

It's also worth noting that a ruleset that's complex is easy to sneak by, either intentionally or accidentally. Suppose this pattern were modified to exclude strncpy(). The following strcpy() implementation would skate by, undetected.
char *strcpy(char *dest, char *src){
return strncpy(dest,src,0x1000);
By keeping rules loose--but perhaps prioritized--it's easy to catch such actions. After all, what byte-wise copying until reaching zero is not suspicious?

Recognizing Functions from Perl

Now that the hand analysis is complete, it's time to bring perl into the mix. Instructions are recognized as one of two types: code and IVT entries. I ignore the .data section for now, but a little tweaking of the regular expressions would make it match. I make the assumption that every function begins after a 'ret' and ends with a 'ret'. This isn't strictly true, but it suffices for this article and ought only to miss the first function in memory, assuming everything is built with C.

The first step is to recognize individual lines. I used the following regular expressions in an early revision:
Match an instruction:
# 11b6: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
# 11b8: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
# 1111: 22222222222 33333 44444444444444 555555
/\s(....):\s(.. .. .. ..)\s\t([^ \t]{2,5})\s(.*);?(.*)/
Match an IVT entry:
# fffe: 00 11 interrupt service routine at 0x1100
/[\s\t]*(....):[\s\t]*(.. ..)[\s\t]*interrupt service routine at 0x(....)/
Although I don't strictly need to parse so much detail to recognize strcpy(), it will be helpful when I add features.

Once lines are recognized, they are loaded into a list of strings, indexed by the integer (not hex-string) value of the first field. I make a list of strings, rather than objects, because most comparisons can be performed by regular expressions. This is fine for a 16-bit microcontroller, but might be prohibitively expensive for something larger.

Routines are recognized--as I've previously stated--by assuming that they reside between ret statements. This assumption makes things quite easy to implement, but results in the loss of the first function as well as the concatenation of functions--such as main()--which do not return. In the following example main [118E to 11A0] and strcpy [11A4 to 11C2] are combined into a single listing:
   118e:       31 40 00 0a     mov     #2560,  r1      ;#0x0a00
1192: 04 41 mov r1, r4 ;
1194: 92 43 00 02 mov #1, &0x0200 ;r3 As==01
1198: b0 12 40 11 call #4416 ;#0x1140
119c: b0 12 68 11 call #4456 ;#0x1168
11a0: 30 40 c4 11 br #0x11c4 ;
11a4: 0d 4f mov r15, r13 ;
11a6: 0c 4f mov r15, r12 ;
11a8: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
11aa: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
11ae: 4f 93 cmp.b #0, r15 ;r3 As==00
11b0: 07 24 jz $+16 ;abs 0x11c0
11b2: 1e 53 inc r14 ;
11b4: 1d 53 inc r13 ;
11b6: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 ;
11b8: cd 4f 00 00 mov.b r15, 0(r13) ;
11bc: 4f 93 cmp.b #0, r15 ;r3 As==00
11be: f9 23 jnz $-12 ;abs 0x11b2
11c0: 0f 4c mov r12, r15 ;
11c2: 30 41 ret
This happens because main() returns not by "ret" but by branching to 0x11C4, which is __stop_progExec__ in the firmware being analyzed. An alternate method would be to look for call targets, assuming that 0x11A4 is the beginning of a function because some other instruction calls it.

By searching by call targets, my script correctly recognizes the second function of the preceding example, but it no longer recognizes main(), which in GCC is called by "BR #addr" and not "CALL #addr". A quick check on a small GCC program shows that absolute jumps are only used for main() and non-user functions. Thus, by looking for "CALL #addr" and "BR #addr", it is possible to find the entry points of most if not all functions.

Once functions can be been identified, it isn't very difficult to add an output mode for Graphviz. The following image is a call tree in which main() calls two functions which call strcpy(). Dangerous functions and calls are labeled in red. The two islands on the right--which prevent this from being a Tree in the graph theory sense--exist in assembly as infinite loops.

Further, it's also useful to produce memory maps which detail memory usage. These can be produces from the database by dumping to a graphics programming language. My first revision published to LaTeX/PSTricks. This looks beautiful, but rendering everything as vector art quickly makes a complex memory map unmanageable. My solution was a rewrite that prints raw postscript. Both are shown below.


I've named the tool msp430static, and I intend to publish a revision as soon as I clean up the code. It's a decent hack at this point, but a hack isn't maintainable and I shudder to think at how I'll comprehend these few hundred lines of perl in three months' time without mush revision.

My redesign will feature an SQL backend, such that the input file needn't be reparsed for each minor revision. This will also allow for scripting in languages other than perl. A single command will stock a database of a defined schema, a second will analyze the database, and others will produce output or analysis. I intend to do most analysis in a self-contained perl script, but clients may be written in a variety of languages as appropriate. I'm undecided as to whether I'll make the tool architecture-agnostic in this revision. It's possible, but perhaps that's more appropriate for a later revision. Potential clients include a modified msp430simu and a GTK# GUI.

I don't intend to make a public release of the present version, but I'll send individual copies by email upon request.

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