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Senin, 24 Januari 2011
Generic CC1110 Sniffing, Shellcode, and iClickers
Howdy y'all,
I haven't the time to write individual posts on these subjects, but I do have plenty of new features for the CC1110 that are worth sharing. Rather than explain how they were written in too much detail, I invite you to read the source code, which is mostly Python and C shellcode.
In order to follow along with these examples, you will need to have SmartRF Studio installed to /opt/smatrf7. While this requirement will go away in a few weeks, the GoodFET client temporarily needs SmartRF Studio for machine documentation about the CC1110. You can find more details on SmartRF requirements in the goodfet.cc client page.
(1) Packet sniffing, and other neighborly scripts.
GoodFETCC now has packet sniffing support for the SimpliciTI protocol used by the Chronos watch. Not only that, but it implements the protocol well enough to act as an access point for the watch, collecting accelerometer data and deciphering it for the host.
Run an access point with 'goodfet.cc simpliciti [band]'. (This command will likely change names soon, as it is a rather ugly hack which only supports the Chronos accelerometer feature.) The optional parameter should be us, eu, or lf for the American, European, and Low Frequency versions of the watch.
Not only protocols intended for the GoodFET, but also others which are coincidentally compatible, are supported. Thanks to some register settings contributed by Mike Ossman, you can sniff and decipher i<clicker traffic with 'goodfet.cc iclicker'.
The i<clicker uses a Xemics XE1203F (PDF) radio chip, shown below. The XE1203F is nearly as configurable as the CC11xx parts, except that it is limited to 2FSK encoding. Previously, this protocol could be sniffed with the GR-Clicker project and a USRP, but the highly-versatile CC1110 chip allows this to be done with neither a software defined radio nor a chip identical to that used by the transmitter.
If you find it handy to see when a device is broadcasting, you can produce an ASCII-art plot of signal strength with 'goodfet.cc rssi [freq]':
Care to jam another transmitter? Just like with the Next Hope Badge's GoodFET mode, it takes a single command to hold a carrier wave.
'goodfet.cc carrier [freq]'
(2) Shellcode, now for quiche-eaters!
At the risk of appearing to facilitate quiche-eating, I'd like to quickly explain the new shellcode interface for placing code fragments on a Chipcon 8051 target, such as the CC1110.
The Chipcon radios have certain functions which are timing sensitive, chief among these being the rewriting of flash memory and the use of the digital radio core. If flash memory is not pulsed with the correct timing, mis-writes will occur. If the radio is read too slowly, bytes will be missed and a buffer underflow will ruin the transaction. Similarly, a transmission might fail if the single-byte transmission buffer isn't refilled quickly enough. I've also had trouble, for reasons that I can poorly explain, configuring the crystal oscillator through the debugging interface without shellcode.
As I described in my CC2430 Debugging Notes, the recommended method of flashing memory is to write a small block of code into XDATA RAM which does the actual write, then to branch to this code, waiting for a HALT (0xA5) opcode to return control to the debugger. This routine is provided in SWRA124 as machine code with assembly comments, beginning with the fragment shown below.
While this is fine and dandy for code that works, it's a bit infuriating to debug code in machine language. (Is that opcode supposed to be 0xA5 or 0xA6? Is the length of this instruction correct? Similar frustration abounds.) To correct for this, the GoodFET project now has a trunk/shellcode directory in addition to trunk/firmware and trunk/client. Shellcode is compiled for target microcontrollers, in this case just the CC1110 by SDCC, the Small Device C Compiler.
For example, this is the code that used to configure the crystal oscillator on the CC1110, a prerequisite for any radio operations:
That ugly mess becomes the following little fragment of C. It is compiled by 'sdcc --code-loc 0xF000 crystal.c' in order to place the code squarely within RAM, which is executable in this 8051 clone's unified memory architecture. (It's a Harvard chip that acts Von Neumann, or the other way around.)
For inputs to these functions, and also for their return values, I find it more convenient to declare arrays at known locations than to read the symbol files to find them. The syntax for placing an array in XDATA memory at 0xFE00 is 'char __xdata at 0xfe00 packet[256];'. You can find examples of this in txpacket.c and rxpacket.c in the GoodFET repository.
(3) Care to join the fun?
There are a number of features remaining to be implemented in shellcode. Among them in a completed port of Ossmann's $15 Spectrum Analyzer, which I began in CC1110 Instrumentation in Python and you can find in the contrib/ directory of the GoodFET repository. By dropping the GUI interface and replacing it with timing delays, full spectrum scans can be made in decent time without requiring that anything in flash memory be changed.
Another handy tool would be an OOK sniffer that over-samples, using the infinite-packet-length trick described in the CC1110 datasheet to fill ram with a recording. Triggering on RSSI allows the beginning of the packet to be reliably timed, with oversampling allowing for correction on all later bits. I've begun to implement this as 'goodfet.cc sniffook [freq]', but an enterprising neighbor should be able to start sniffing garage door remotes in short order.
A Morse-code library in combination with an external amplifier would also be neighborly for the licensed amateur bands. The ability of the microcontroller to quickly return and channel hop might be able to account for, among other things, the Doppler shift experienced in EME moon-bounce experiments, without losing backward compatibility with 19th century radio technology.
As a prize, I offer one ale apiece for GoodFET patches implementing these features.
Stay neighborly,
--Travis Goodspeed
<travis at radiantmachines.com>
Senin, 01 November 2010
Bitmapped Sprites on the GirlTech IMME
by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
with sprites by Eli Skipp,
extending Dave's LCD reversing,
and with thanks to Mike Ossmann.
The GirlTech IMME is a fine platform for radio hacking and embedded programming, but the LCD of the device is by no means designed for lightning fast graphics. In this brief article, I demonstrate the method by which a sprite library can be constructed which abstracts away the less neighborly minutia of the LCD in favor of a row-wise framebuffer that gets flushed to the LCD as appropriate. This isn't fast enough for a port of Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's certainly sufficient for ZombieGotcha, a network disease simulation game that Eli Skipp and I are prototyping.
To quickly recap, the GirlTech IMME is a children's toy powered by the CC1110F32, which combines an 8051 microcontroller with a versatile sub-GHz radio. The toy also includes a text LCD controller and keyboard, making it a delightful platform for embedded systems hacking and prototyping. Thanks to Dave's article on attaching a debugger and reversing the LCD, it is possible to wire a GoodFET into the IMME, allowing for debugging and reprogramming of the device.
Since the days of the first raster displays, computers have been drawing images as rows, because that's the way that a television's electron stream is traced along the display. The IMME draws rows internally, but because it is intended to draw fonts, its rows are eight pixels tall. For example, the bytes {0x7f, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x7f, 0x00} are pushed to the LCD in order to draw an uppercase letter H in Dave's LCD Demo for the IMME. Drawing this on graph paper or rendering it by Python, it becomes clear that 0x7F represents a side of the letter, 0x08 represents the bar, and 0x00 is the space following the letter.
Rather than attempting to natively store a framebuffer in the LCD's format, I chose to internally index by row, then to translate during the export of the framebuffer to the LCD. My primary reason for doing this is to maintain portability of the ZombieGotcha code to custom hardware. It also simplifies the transcription of sprites from original bitmaps to C structures.
Having an internal framebuffer is not without cost, however. The buffer is 132 pixels wide and 64 pixels tall. Even with bit-packing, this is more than a kilobyte in size, consuming more than a quarter of the CC1110's 4kB of XDATA RAM. (Programs and sprites are stored in CODE Flash memory, of which there is 32kB, so this limit is not quite so severe as it sounds.)
My sprite toolchain is begun with bitmap images submitted by the artist. I cannot stress enough how important it is that your pixel artist understand pixels. Every sprite must be drawn at native resolution, with proper offsets of each frame and an understanding that the LCD is what it is, regardless of what Photoshop might render.
From the original bitmap sprites, PNM files are produced that are more easily parsed by Perl. This format consists of whitespace-delimited words for the format, width, and height of the sprite. In this case, the sprite consists of three frames, each of them being 24 pixels width and 32 pixels tall. Other sizes are possible, of course, but it is convenient for bit packing that the width is an even multiple of 8, so that the old pixels needn't be read back in.
It is then necessary to use an ugly Perl script to convert the sprite from a PNM to a C array of bytes. Pretty Perl won't work, of course, because such a thing doesn't exist. My script, sprite2c.pl, takes a 24-bit color PNM file and converts it to a 1-bit map that is byte-packed. Each of these is included by the preprocessor as a __code unsigned char[], with the __code keyword implying that the object should be stored in Flash rather than RAM.
Sprite animations are performed by storing the frame count along with the width and height in the C structure. Considering the resource constraints of this system, frame counts change very rarely and are stored within the C code.
Dumping the frame-buffer to the LCD is as simple as writing every stripe of data to the screen. Potentially, as an optimization, you could keep track of which stripes have been invalidated across what horizontal range, updating only where necessary.
Keeping in mind that the LCD is updated as stripes of 8 pixels in height, code such as the following will refresh the entire LCD from the frame-buffer. Be sure not to erase the LCD between writes, as that would cause unnecessary flickering.
The framebuffer elements themselves are grabbed by selecting the pixel index divided by 8, then masking off the selected bit. The following functions work admirably for this purpose.
If greater performance is required, a game should certainly be designed with a custom graphics library that optimizes the few things it does most. Performances can be gained by storing sprites and the frame-buffer natively in the row/stripe format that the LCD expects, simplifying conversion. Mike Ossmann used the technique of basing most graphics around vertical lines in his spectrum analyzer firmware, allowing for channels to be redrawned as they are scanned rather than flushed from a frame-buffer.
As the ZombieGotcha game is largely turn-based and the frame-rate is not a dire concern, I don't expect to optimize the sprite library much beyond what is presented here.
One major addition will be that of screenshots, as I'd like to produce animated GIFs of game action for the website. Screenshots can be produced by the method that I outline in CC1110 Instrumentation with Python, dumping the frame-buffer from XDATA with a GoodFET and writing that to disk. Alternatively, full-speed screenshots could be dumped by sniffing the LCD's SPI bus using a Total Phase Beagle or other SPI protocol analyzer.
For those of you with an IMME, Eli and I will be releasing the ZombieGotcha game at the Twenty-Seventh Chaos Communications Congress in Berlin this winter. We'll bring a bed of nails for reflashing IMME units on the spot, as well as GoodFET kits for modifying your IMME to be a development kit. (The ZombieGotcha will also run on full-custom hardware, but we are maintaining IMME support in parallel.)
As a final note, a teaser of the ZombieGotcha opening screen can be found here in the Intel-Hex format. I'll give a GoodFET40 kit to the first neighbor who sends me an animated GIF of it and a script to generate the same, either by a debugger or an emulator.
with sprites by Eli Skipp,
extending Dave's LCD reversing,
and with thanks to Mike Ossmann.
The GirlTech IMME is a fine platform for radio hacking and embedded programming, but the LCD of the device is by no means designed for lightning fast graphics. In this brief article, I demonstrate the method by which a sprite library can be constructed which abstracts away the less neighborly minutia of the LCD in favor of a row-wise framebuffer that gets flushed to the LCD as appropriate. This isn't fast enough for a port of Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's certainly sufficient for ZombieGotcha, a network disease simulation game that Eli Skipp and I are prototyping.
To quickly recap, the GirlTech IMME is a children's toy powered by the CC1110F32, which combines an 8051 microcontroller with a versatile sub-GHz radio. The toy also includes a text LCD controller and keyboard, making it a delightful platform for embedded systems hacking and prototyping. Thanks to Dave's article on attaching a debugger and reversing the LCD, it is possible to wire a GoodFET into the IMME, allowing for debugging and reprogramming of the device.
Since the days of the first raster displays, computers have been drawing images as rows, because that's the way that a television's electron stream is traced along the display. The IMME draws rows internally, but because it is intended to draw fonts, its rows are eight pixels tall. For example, the bytes {0x7f, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x7f, 0x00} are pushed to the LCD in order to draw an uppercase letter H in Dave's LCD Demo for the IMME. Drawing this on graph paper or rendering it by Python, it becomes clear that 0x7F represents a side of the letter, 0x08 represents the bar, and 0x00 is the space following the letter.
Rather than attempting to natively store a framebuffer in the LCD's format, I chose to internally index by row, then to translate during the export of the framebuffer to the LCD. My primary reason for doing this is to maintain portability of the ZombieGotcha code to custom hardware. It also simplifies the transcription of sprites from original bitmaps to C structures.
Having an internal framebuffer is not without cost, however. The buffer is 132 pixels wide and 64 pixels tall. Even with bit-packing, this is more than a kilobyte in size, consuming more than a quarter of the CC1110's 4kB of XDATA RAM. (Programs and sprites are stored in CODE Flash memory, of which there is 32kB, so this limit is not quite so severe as it sounds.)
My sprite toolchain is begun with bitmap images submitted by the artist. I cannot stress enough how important it is that your pixel artist understand pixels. Every sprite must be drawn at native resolution, with proper offsets of each frame and an understanding that the LCD is what it is, regardless of what Photoshop might render.
From the original bitmap sprites, PNM files are produced that are more easily parsed by Perl. This format consists of whitespace-delimited words for the format, width, and height of the sprite. In this case, the sprite consists of three frames, each of them being 24 pixels width and 32 pixels tall. Other sizes are possible, of course, but it is convenient for bit packing that the width is an even multiple of 8, so that the old pixels needn't be read back in.
It is then necessary to use an ugly Perl script to convert the sprite from a PNM to a C array of bytes. Pretty Perl won't work, of course, because such a thing doesn't exist. My script, sprite2c.pl, takes a 24-bit color PNM file and converts it to a 1-bit map that is byte-packed. Each of these is included by the preprocessor as a __code unsigned char[], with the __code keyword implying that the object should be stored in Flash rather than RAM.
Sprite animations are performed by storing the frame count along with the width and height in the C structure. Considering the resource constraints of this system, frame counts change very rarely and are stored within the C code.
Dumping the frame-buffer to the LCD is as simple as writing every stripe of data to the screen. Potentially, as an optimization, you could keep track of which stripes have been invalidated across what horizontal range, updating only where necessary.
Keeping in mind that the LCD is updated as stripes of 8 pixels in height, code such as the following will refresh the entire LCD from the frame-buffer. Be sure not to erase the LCD between writes, as that would cause unnecessary flickering.
The framebuffer elements themselves are grabbed by selecting the pixel index divided by 8, then masking off the selected bit. The following functions work admirably for this purpose.
If greater performance is required, a game should certainly be designed with a custom graphics library that optimizes the few things it does most. Performances can be gained by storing sprites and the frame-buffer natively in the row/stripe format that the LCD expects, simplifying conversion. Mike Ossmann used the technique of basing most graphics around vertical lines in his spectrum analyzer firmware, allowing for channels to be redrawned as they are scanned rather than flushed from a frame-buffer.
As the ZombieGotcha game is largely turn-based and the frame-rate is not a dire concern, I don't expect to optimize the sprite library much beyond what is presented here.
One major addition will be that of screenshots, as I'd like to produce animated GIFs of game action for the website. Screenshots can be produced by the method that I outline in CC1110 Instrumentation with Python, dumping the frame-buffer from XDATA with a GoodFET and writing that to disk. Alternatively, full-speed screenshots could be dumped by sniffing the LCD's SPI bus using a Total Phase Beagle or other SPI protocol analyzer.
For those of you with an IMME, Eli and I will be releasing the ZombieGotcha game at the Twenty-Seventh Chaos Communications Congress in Berlin this winter. We'll bring a bed of nails for reflashing IMME units on the spot, as well as GoodFET kits for modifying your IMME to be a development kit. (The ZombieGotcha will also run on full-custom hardware, but we are maintaining IMME support in parallel.)
As a final note, a teaser of the ZombieGotcha opening screen can be found here in the Intel-Hex format. I'll give a GoodFET40 kit to the first neighbor who sends me an animated GIF of it and a script to generate the same, either by a debugger or an emulator.
Senin, 04 Oktober 2010
CC1110 Instrumentation with Python
by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
concerning the GirlTech IMME,
utilizing the GoodFET's Chipcon Debugger
to instrument Michael Ossmann's $16 Pocket Spectrum Analyzer.
Often a neighbor, such as myself, finds himself with a damned useful tool that's missing logging. Further, when this is a black-box application, it is undeniably inconvenient to patch in logging where no communications method exists. In this brief article, I will demonstrate how to instrument a Chipcon CC1110 application using Python and a GoodFET with zero bytes of modification to the original firmware image. My target's source code is available, but the technique applies just as well to black-box firmware.
Specifically, I want to dump the raw data from Michael Ossmann's $16 Pocket Spectrum Analyzer in order to demo it on stage at our Toorcon 12 talk, Real Men Carry Pink Pagers. I'll assume the reader to be familiar with Mike's article, as well as my article on wiring an IMME for debugging with a GoodFET. Readers wishing to play along can order a GoodFET31 for little or no money by following these instructions.
From the datasheet or Mike's Makefile it can be seen that the external RAM (XDATA, which is called external for historic reasons) section begins at 0xF000. The only structure at this location is xdata channel_info chan_table[NUM_CHANNELS], where NUM_CHANNELS is defined to be 132 and the channel_info struct is eight bytes, defined as
The first several entries in this struct might be as follows. The first of these lines defines the frequency to be 0x22af4b, the frequency calibration to be 0xef2c27, and the signal strength to be 0x41. The final byte defines the maximum strength, which is zero unless max-highlighting mode is turned on.
This information can be extracted by halting and resuming the CPU, just as I did in my article on the PRNG Vulnerability of Z-Stack's ZigBee SEP ECC implementation. That is, GoodFETCC.CCpeekdatabyte() is used to grab these bytes from the CC1110's RAM. The following code dumped the fragment shown above.
To get proper data, it is necessary to add a wake-up delay of a few seconds, so that the table is populated by the first sampling. Additionally, it is handy to convert the frequency to MHz from its native unit (Hz/396.728515625). Finally, successive pages should be separated by a time column in order to facilitate graphing. The result is this script, which can be found in the GoodFET project as "contrib/ccspecantap/specantap.py".
An example recording can be seen below, as a spectrum recording of a friend's Kenwood FreeTalk UBZ-AL14 FM Transceiver unit. This is compatible with other family FM radios, and I wanted to know which center frequencies were in use. In the first image, I've highlighted the noise floor as blue and the peaks as green. In the second image, the time domain is used to show broadcasts on several channels in sequence, all of which fall into one of the two center frequencies: 925MHz and 935MHz. The raw data is here, best viewed with NASA's excellent Viewpoints tool.
Future additions to this project will include integration into the GoodFET radio framework, as well as a 2.4GHz version built around the CC2430 and CC2530. The performance of the tap can be greatly improved by using block transactions rather than peeking individual bytes, and the view can be re-tuned by poking the configuration IDATA variables, positions of which are described in specan.rst as produced by the SDCC compiler.
It's also handy to know that a Chipcon radio will halt if the 0xA5 opcode is executed. In this manner, patching a single byte of a while() loop can allow the state at every iteration to be dumped.
This technique of scripted debugging through a programmer can be handy for more than instrumentation. Unit tests can be run on an assembly line without additional wiring, and--by single-stepping--execution traces of unknown firmware can be generated for assisting in reverse engineering. Those with enough patience can use this to fuzz test embedded systems for security vulnerabilities.
For help instrumenting your own Chipcon or MSP430 project, join us in #goodfet on irc.freenode.net or send me an email. The project has advanced to the point where interesting things can be done from Python alone, and I'd quite like to see what could be done with it.
concerning the GirlTech IMME,
utilizing the GoodFET's Chipcon Debugger
to instrument Michael Ossmann's $16 Pocket Spectrum Analyzer.
Often a neighbor, such as myself, finds himself with a damned useful tool that's missing logging. Further, when this is a black-box application, it is undeniably inconvenient to patch in logging where no communications method exists. In this brief article, I will demonstrate how to instrument a Chipcon CC1110 application using Python and a GoodFET with zero bytes of modification to the original firmware image. My target's source code is available, but the technique applies just as well to black-box firmware.
Specifically, I want to dump the raw data from Michael Ossmann's $16 Pocket Spectrum Analyzer in order to demo it on stage at our Toorcon 12 talk, Real Men Carry Pink Pagers. I'll assume the reader to be familiar with Mike's article, as well as my article on wiring an IMME for debugging with a GoodFET. Readers wishing to play along can order a GoodFET31 for little or no money by following these instructions.
From the datasheet or Mike's Makefile it can be seen that the external RAM (XDATA, which is called external for historic reasons) section begins at 0xF000. The only structure at this location is xdata channel_info chan_table[NUM_CHANNELS], where NUM_CHANNELS is defined to be 132 and the channel_info struct is eight bytes, defined as
typedef struct {
/* frequency setting */
u8 freq2;
u8 freq1;
u8 freq0;
/* frequency calibration */
u8 fscal3;
u8 fscal2;
u8 fscal1;
/* signal strength */
u8 ss;
u8 max;
} channel_info;
The first several entries in this struct might be as follows. The first of these lines defines the frequency to be 0x22af4b, the frequency calibration to be 0xef2c27, and the signal strength to be 0x41. The final byte defines the maximum strength, which is zero unless max-highlighting mode is turned on.
22 af 4b ef 2c 27 41 00
22 b1 43 ef 2c 27 3e 00
22 b3 3b ef 2c 27 46 00
22 b5 33 ef 2c 27 3c 00
22 b7 2b ef 2c 27 44 00
22 b9 23 ef 2c 28 3c 00
22 bb 1b ef 2c 28 42 00
22 bd 13 ef 2c 28 3f 00
22 bf 0b ef 2c 28 3d 00
22 c1 03 ef 2c 28 40 00
22 c2 fb ef 2c 28 3d 00
22 c4 f3 ef 2c 28 3e 00
This information can be extracted by halting and resuming the CPU, just as I did in my article on the PRNG Vulnerability of Z-Stack's ZigBee SEP ECC implementation. That is, GoodFETCC.CCpeekdatabyte() is used to grab these bytes from the CC1110's RAM. The following code dumped the fragment shown above.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys;
from GoodFETCC import GoodFETCC;
from intelhex import IntelHex16bit, IntelHex;
import time;
while 1:
for foo in range(0,bytescount):
dump=("%s %02x" % (dump,client.CCpeekdatabyte(bytestart+foo)));
if foo%8==7: dump=dump+"\n";
print dump;
To get proper data, it is necessary to add a wake-up delay of a few seconds, so that the table is populated by the first sampling. Additionally, it is handy to convert the frequency to MHz from its native unit (Hz/396.728515625). Finally, successive pages should be separated by a time column in order to facilitate graphing. The result is this script, which can be found in the GoodFET project as "contrib/ccspecantap/specantap.py".
An example recording can be seen below, as a spectrum recording of a friend's Kenwood FreeTalk UBZ-AL14 FM Transceiver unit. This is compatible with other family FM radios, and I wanted to know which center frequencies were in use. In the first image, I've highlighted the noise floor as blue and the peaks as green. In the second image, the time domain is used to show broadcasts on several channels in sequence, all of which fall into one of the two center frequencies: 925MHz and 935MHz. The raw data is here, best viewed with NASA's excellent Viewpoints tool.
Future additions to this project will include integration into the GoodFET radio framework, as well as a 2.4GHz version built around the CC2430 and CC2530. The performance of the tap can be greatly improved by using block transactions rather than peeking individual bytes, and the view can be re-tuned by poking the configuration IDATA variables, positions of which are described in specan.rst as produced by the SDCC compiler.
It's also handy to know that a Chipcon radio will halt if the 0xA5 opcode is executed. In this manner, patching a single byte of a while() loop can allow the state at every iteration to be dumped.
This technique of scripted debugging through a programmer can be handy for more than instrumentation. Unit tests can be run on an assembly line without additional wiring, and--by single-stepping--execution traces of unknown firmware can be generated for assisting in reverse engineering. Those with enough patience can use this to fuzz test embedded systems for security vulnerabilities.
For help instrumenting your own Chipcon or MSP430 project, join us in #goodfet on irc.freenode.net or send me an email. The project has advanced to the point where interesting things can be done from Python alone, and I'd quite like to see what could be done with it.
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010
IM ME GoodFET Wiring Tutorial
by Travis Goodspeed <travis at radiantmachines.com>
concerning the Girltech IM ME,
with a million thanks to Dave.
WARNING: Reflashing the CC1110 while batteries are low will permanently lock the chip. Either be damned sure to use fresh batteries or leave the batteries out and power the IMME from your GoodFET.
Howdy y'all,
This brief tutorial describes the process of reflashing the Girltech IM ME with custom firmware, so that it may be used as a development platform for the Chipcon CC1110 sub-GHz ISM System-on-Chip. I assume the reader to have an assembled GoodFET with recent firmware, but other programmers may of course be substituted.
You should also read Dave's first article on IM ME hacking, as it describes his method for reprogramming the device. All the pinouts below were taken from his articles, as well as the keyboard and LCD information that he was so neighborly as to publish.
First, you'll need to purchase an IM ME, which can be had for $20 USD on a few toy sites while it remains in stock. You'll also need an assembled GoodFET and basic electronics tools.
The testpoints used for programming the IM ME are located behind the batteries in the rear compartment of the device. Ideally, a bed of nails should be used to clip into it, but failing that, just solder on to the Debug Data (DD), Debug Clock (DC), Reset (!RST), and GND pins. Run these to the GoodFET's 14-pin header as shown below.
From left to right on the IM ME, the pins are !RST, DD, DC, +2.5V, and Ground. Because the GoodFET is a low-voltage device, there's no need for the resistor dividers in Dave's article. Use EITHER the GoodFET OR the batteries for VCC, but not both.
Once you have the IM ME wired up, you can check its model number and status by running `goodfet.cc status'. This will tell you that the chip is locked, so making a backup of its firmware is non-trivial. If you continue from here, the IM ME will no longer function as an instant messenger.
Erase the chip by 'goodfet.cc erase' then dump an image of RAM as 'goodfet.cc dumpdata immeram.hex' to see if anything neighborly can be found inside.
You now have a blank IM ME, with the LCD most likely showing the last gasping breaths of its firmware. To flash a new firmware image, just grab its ihex file and run 'goodfet.cc flash foo.hex'.
I've placed a few example binaries in the repository of an operating system that I've started for the IM ME called GoodME. To flash Dave's LCD Test, run the following commands.
svn co https://goodfet.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/goodme
goodfet.cc flash goodme/bins/dave-lcdtest.hex
For a more functional demo, try bins/term-morse824mhz.hex, an ugly hack of an operating system for the IM ME with a Morse code transmitter and random number generator demo. In the Radio demo, holding any of the letter buttons broadcasts on 824MHz. The PRNG demo, shown below, demonstrates the repetition of strings withing the psuedo-random number generator and counts the number of bytes between them. This is sometimes used for key material.
The SDCC compiler is in the package repositories of most civilized operating systems. You might need a more recent version for the cc1110.h header, though building this compiler is a thousand times simpler than GCC. Compiling an example is as simple as sdcc foo.c; packihx <foo.ihx >foo.hex, which will produce a suitable Intel Hex file for flashing. The 8051 memory model makes specifying a chip model unnecessary, a handy deviation from those of us with a thousand MSP430 linking scripts.
Within the GoodME repository, you'll find my bastard child of an operating system at /branches/rough/. It was used to make the term-morse824mhz.hex, and its keyboard, font, and LCD drivers are ripe for organ transplants. /trunk/ ought to someday contain a proper operating system for the device, but for now, I haven't the time to complete it.
Have fun, and build something neighborly,
concerning the Girltech IM ME,
with a million thanks to Dave.
WARNING: Reflashing the CC1110 while batteries are low will permanently lock the chip. Either be damned sure to use fresh batteries or leave the batteries out and power the IMME from your GoodFET.
Howdy y'all,
This brief tutorial describes the process of reflashing the Girltech IM ME with custom firmware, so that it may be used as a development platform for the Chipcon CC1110 sub-GHz ISM System-on-Chip. I assume the reader to have an assembled GoodFET with recent firmware, but other programmers may of course be substituted.
You should also read Dave's first article on IM ME hacking, as it describes his method for reprogramming the device. All the pinouts below were taken from his articles, as well as the keyboard and LCD information that he was so neighborly as to publish.
First, you'll need to purchase an IM ME, which can be had for $20 USD on a few toy sites while it remains in stock. You'll also need an assembled GoodFET and basic electronics tools.
The testpoints used for programming the IM ME are located behind the batteries in the rear compartment of the device. Ideally, a bed of nails should be used to clip into it, but failing that, just solder on to the Debug Data (DD), Debug Clock (DC), Reset (!RST), and GND pins. Run these to the GoodFET's 14-pin header as shown below.
From left to right on the IM ME, the pins are !RST, DD, DC, +2.5V, and Ground. Because the GoodFET is a low-voltage device, there's no need for the resistor dividers in Dave's article. Use EITHER the GoodFET OR the batteries for VCC, but not both.
Name | Pin | Name | |
DD | 1 | 2 | Vcc |
3 | 4 | Vcc | |
RST | 5 | 6 | |
DC | 7 | 8 | |
GND | 9 | 10 | |
11 | 12 | ||
13 | 14 |
Once you have the IM ME wired up, you can check its model number and status by running `goodfet.cc status'. This will tell you that the chip is locked, so making a backup of its firmware is non-trivial. If you continue from here, the IM ME will no longer function as an instant messenger.
Erase the chip by 'goodfet.cc erase' then dump an image of RAM as 'goodfet.cc dumpdata immeram.hex' to see if anything neighborly can be found inside.
You now have a blank IM ME, with the LCD most likely showing the last gasping breaths of its firmware. To flash a new firmware image, just grab its ihex file and run 'goodfet.cc flash foo.hex'.
I've placed a few example binaries in the repository of an operating system that I've started for the IM ME called GoodME. To flash Dave's LCD Test, run the following commands.
svn co https://goodfet.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/goodme
goodfet.cc flash goodme/bins/dave-lcdtest.hex
For a more functional demo, try bins/term-morse824mhz.hex, an ugly hack of an operating system for the IM ME with a Morse code transmitter and random number generator demo. In the Radio demo, holding any of the letter buttons broadcasts on 824MHz. The PRNG demo, shown below, demonstrates the repetition of strings withing the psuedo-random number generator and counts the number of bytes between them. This is sometimes used for key material.
Custom Development
The SDCC compiler is in the package repositories of most civilized operating systems. You might need a more recent version for the cc1110.h header, though building this compiler is a thousand times simpler than GCC. Compiling an example is as simple as sdcc foo.c; packihx <foo.ihx >foo.hex, which will produce a suitable Intel Hex file for flashing. The 8051 memory model makes specifying a chip model unnecessary, a handy deviation from those of us with a thousand MSP430 linking scripts.
Within the GoodME repository, you'll find my bastard child of an operating system at /branches/rough/. It was used to make the term-morse824mhz.hex, and its keyboard, font, and LCD drivers are ripe for organ transplants. /trunk/ ought to someday contain a proper operating system for the device, but for now, I haven't the time to complete it.
Have fun, and build something neighborly,
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